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"I am waiting,right here".I say this sentence every day to myself before going to sleep,wondering if he comes if I fall asleep saying these words but he isn't coming.Last time when he came he was angry,it was my first time seeing him angry that makes me wonder why was he angry?If he was angry because he might think I am not following his advice than I want to show him that I am following or if I still trust people easily than I also wanted to show him that I am not.I want to show him that I have changed except for one thing that I still like him and I will always wait for him even if he doesn't show up I will still like him.

One day I was walking across street,someone came and stand before me and said"You know me,right?".I answered"No,it's my first time seeing you".I moved on but he said from behind "Aye!you saw me in dream."I was flustered that I can't remember but how can he.In a cafe I asked him"Who are you?and how can you recognize me?".He said"In a dream where you were about to be attacked by someone with knife.I am the one who saved you".I answered"you are lying you are not the one who saved me".He said"How can you say that with confidence?what do you know?.I replied"I just know that you are not the one".He said"Than I will show you that I am the one".

That night this thought came to my mind how can he remember me even I can't remember.If I can remember I would like to remember him but the nature is too hard on me when I wished that he shouldn't come he came but now I want him to come he isn't coming.I cried until my heart feels light but can my heart can feel light just by crying.Also I know one thing for sure that the one I met is not him.

 After that day he started following me everywhere I go.First I ignored him than I couldn't and asked him Why is he following me?.He said"I have told you,just wait and watch" and than he left but he didn't stop there he started following me even more and I just decided to ignore him. When I am in cafe he order for me,when I am in library he doesn't let anyone sit on that desk,when I am with my friends he come and become nuisance and my friends like him uh! can you believe this.Because of that one person my daily life is becoming burden to me.

One day he cross his limits and did the same thing that happen in the dream.I was walking in the garden suddenly someone approached me first he threaten me but than he tried to harm me with a knife in his hand but what's this feeling it seems like someone put this up something feels off,than I remember it's him he put all this act up just to show me and than he comes and did the same thing that dream boy did in my dream.I burst in anger and slap him and told him even if he do this hundred times my answer will be the same that he is not the one.After saying this I left.

After few days,I was in cafe having coffee that he came and ask me"How did you knew that it wasn't me?Why was you so sure?".I replied"The look in your eyes,there wasn't eagerness in your eyes".He said"I don't think so that's the only reason".I said"Yes,of course there are other reasons too".He said"Other reasons like what?"."like you were hanging around only one dream,If you were that person you will never tell me like that,that you are the one"I said.He said"You are way too more annoying".I replied"If I am annoying than don't ever show up in front of me again".I tried to leave but he grab me by my arm but than someone appear and help me and said to him"Get lost".Than he told me "Be careful".Than he left,after hearing those words I was flustered that these words are the one my dream boy told me,I followed him with tears in my eyes but he disappeared.

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