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After that day,I kept on going to that same place and wait for hours but he didn't come.Days later these thoughts came to my mind "Where do I go to meet him?Even if it's for a minute I want to see him?Is he really that person?".At last my vacations came to an end and I thought that I have spent my whole vacations waiting for that one person whose name I don't even know,just to make sure that is he really dream boy,I came everyday.

On my way home,I saw someone moving in the house in front of mine,I wasn't much curious of who they will be and went in my house.(THINKING)"Today too,like all the days I couldn't get to see him,Is wanting to see him is my greed?I am thinking about him every second like a fool will he even bother to think about me once a day?sometimes I want to curse him who is he to make me this anxious,make me a fool(sobbing)Let's stop.Enough".I got up and have lunch.At night as I stepped out of my door in order to go for a walk there was a boy standing in front of my neighbor house,I whispered "Is he the person who moved in that house"As I was whispering to myself he turned around,I was shocked(THINKING)"He is that person,the person I have been looking for is now in front of me" and said these words"Found you",I rushed back into my house.My heart was beating fast but why I couldn't know why.

Jun(dream boy) was flustered and said "Why she ran away,I didn't do anything. Isn't she crazy running away like that,she is making me a pervert like that .AISHH. That crazy".He went inside his house.His friend(Sam) asked him "What's wrong?" Jun said "The women who lives right in front of our house is crazy." Sam asked "Why?What did she do to make you that upset?" He said "That women as soon as she saw me she said Found you and after saying that she rushed into her house,making me a pervert ,what did I do that she run away like that.No matter how hard I think we moved in wrong place.Sam shall we move." Sam said "Is that so?It's strange!Why did she say Found you?and this place is close to university,so throw away the thoughts of moving out. Have you met her before?Jun said "Are you mad?Met her,Why would I met that crazy outside?" Sam said "Don't answer rashly and think well.Huhhh Where did you meet her for her to say Found you."Jun after thinking remembered and said "Ahh that cafe". Sam said "Cafe.Which cafe?Tell me".Jun said"That cafe.When I saved her from that pervert."Sam said "Ahh!That women.but did she fell for you than? Jun said "What kind of nonsense is that now." Sam said "Think carefully.If it's not that than why did she said that Found you.Poor her.She doesn't even know that your heart is somewhere else."Jun said "Stop it.Let's sleep.Tomorrow we have to go to uni."

Joy was lying in bed in crouched position thinking "All this time I have looked for him  and now he lives in front of my house.Does that make sense?How in the world can this happen?(Reminiscing that moment) But when I said Found you have I said it lightly he doesn't hear me right. Ahhh .Why I can't remember and why did I run away What did I do wrong that I run away.Now he will think of me as a crazy person.Ahhhh. What did I do?I shouldn't have run away now how will I face him.Why do I have to face him I only have to confirm if he dream boy or not I can confirm it without meeting him,his actions will tell everything."

Next morning I saw him in university(Joy thinking)"What is that person doing in university?No way,he attends the same university as mine.There are so many universities,out of them why this university.Calm down Joy calm down,university can be same but not department,there is no way so many things will be happening to me all at once.Let's see.I just have to go to my department without letting him know."At last I made it to my class.Her friend( Lala )asked "What's wrong?" Joy said "I am doomed now."  Lala said"Why?Did you find something by visiting that cafe  everyday."Joy said"No.What do I do?My friend.I think I will not get my answers now."Lala said "What kind of answers are you trying to find out?You said you will tell me.Now tell me".Joy said "Not yet".Lala said "You have to tell me in order to help you with something.Anyways you have to tell me when the time comes."Joy said "Okay". Lala said "There is one more thing you should know."Joy asked "What is that? Tell me." Lala said "Your mom visited professors yesterday." Joy said "I understand so please stop." Lala said "You are doing everything according to her will,I just don't understand why  she kept in watch.Anyways I just don't understand you chaebols." Joy said "She is not keeping watch on my studies but me,what I am doing."

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