_𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 4: 𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝙷𝚘𝚘𝚍_

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Technoblade's POV~

I listened to the sound of music, I looked around to see if there was anything I could use to climb. I noticed something, I pulled myself up on a branch and used the other branches as stepping stones as they led all around the tree and up to the top...

Once I got to the wooden flooring, I could hear the music getting closer, I tiptoed across the wooden floor and into an opening and...

Once I got to the wooden flooring, I could hear the music getting closer, I tiptoed across the wooden floor and into an opening and

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It was a whole frickin' house!
Completed with everything that someone would need, that's when I noticed something...


I saw group of people jumping around on the opening area, I decided to see if they could possibly help...

Tubbo's POV~

Bad and Skeppy clanked their glasses together as they drank, I danced along to the music, Sapnap sung our favourite song and Dream played his flute.
We were known as,'The Merry Man', of course, our name didn't sound threatening but when you pick a fight with us, then it comes your worst nightmare.
We spent a lot of time travelling, but our home remains here in the woods! We all had our story how we came to be, but those are for another day, right now we were celebrating another victory of Dream's!!

The music stopped as Dream sets his flute down on his seat and stood on the create,"I would like to say, my merry men, that I pleased to say we had another successful mission!", we all cheered, Sapnap smiled,"Did they make it harder?? Or did they just let you walk in??", Dream chuckled as he jumped off the create,"They had two guards! Both of them outside the door, I managed to get some unconscious, the other tied and have him cursing like a sailor!", Bad gasped,"I need to teach him to watch his language!", Dream chuckled as he picked up his flute,"Yeah... It was easy, I did jump out of a window, but hey! We got the poor the money they deserve!", I clap,"Yeah!", he then picked up a drink in his spare hand and lifted it in the air,"Long live King Philza?", we raised our drinks in the air, well I had apple juice but I felt grownup,"LONG LIVE KING PHILZA!!!", we all took and drink and continued to celebrate...

I then noticed something out of eye...

Someone was here...

I picked up my hunting dagger and slowly walked towards the entrance of the area...

"Who are you.", a man with a red cloak held his hands up, his face was covered by the hood, but he didn't seem armed, expect for the sword around his waist,"I mean no harm. I was passing by when I heard music.", I nod...I look at everyone else and knew what I had to do.

"Let me get my friend."

Dream's POV~

"Dream.", I stopped playing the flute and looked up, we all were surprised to see Tubbo holding his dagger to person in a hood,"Tubbo. Who is this.","He said he heard our music.", I set my flute and approached the man,"What is someone like you, doing in the middle of the woods, at a time like this?", he kept his hands up as he spoke,"I'm travelling through here to seek help, sir.", Sapnap leaned back in his chair,"And, who are you? I don't recognize your voice at all, you new around here??", he then reached for his hood and pulled it down...


He nods. He folds his arms,"Indeed.", Tubbo immediately put his dagger down,"S-Sorry!", Sapnap fell out his chair in shock, Bad gasped, Skeppy spat his drink out and I was just frozen. I should count myself lucky, I have a mask and hood to cover me, so they couldn't see my emotions.
Prince Technoblade sighed,"I understand why you were being cautious, do not apologise for that. But, I was planning to travel down to the next Kingdom for help.", I frown,"Help? What do you need help with??", he sighed...

"To stop my Uncle."

We stare at him,"That's your Uncle?! How the heck could you be related?!", he shrugged,"I don't know. But he's planning to connect his corrupted Kingdom to ours, by marrying my brother off to someone in his kingdom.", Sapnap sat up,"An arranged Marriage.", he nods again, I look at my family, and I look at him,"Your father is, Philza right?", he nods I could see he looked a bit upset I brought up his father,"Yes... He's been at war for 2 years now.", I nod and slowly pace around the area...
I look at the Prince in from of me,"You want to remove your Uncle from power, correct?", he nods, and I smirk behind my mask,"You can count me in.", he was shocked, then Bad jumped up,"Yeah! We can help you!", he looked at all of us as I chuckled,"I don't know if you have noticed, Your Majesty. But, we may live in the woods, but we are pretty good at fucking people up.","LANGUAGE!!", he smiled,"Thank you... This means a lot to me if you help us.", I smile,"But... Who are you though?", Sapnap smiled,"I'm Sapnap. The right-hand man.", Bad smiled and waved,"I'm Bad! And this is Skeppy, we are both Frontline fighters!", "I'm Tubbo, I like bees and I'm in the defensive zone!", I smile and bowed before the Prince as my family knew how polite I was,"And I, am Dream Hood, I'm the leader of The Merry Men you see.", Technoblade nods...

"I have a feeling, we're going to get along nicely, Dream."

"Same here, Princey. Now, come and fill me in on everything in my little office."

Dream Team ◇Robin Hood AU◇ *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now