_𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 6: 𝙽𝚎𝚠𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚄𝚙𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜_

654 31 13

Wilbur's POV~

I stormed out of the throne room in anger, Tommy ran after me as I heard him laugh...

Tommy was curled up next to me, I sighed and pet his head to comfort him...

"Sorry, is this a bad time?"

I look up and see Niki, I smiled, "No, no, no... Come in and do your job, please don't let us stop you.", she nods and starts to clean...

After she was done, she looked at me,"I'm so sorry...", I sighed,"It's not your fault... It's my bloody Uncle's fault.", she nods and leaves the room...

Tubbo's POV~

As the letter man came to the docks, he walked up to me with a neat envelope,"Here you go, young man.",I smiled and I took off running...

I climbed up to our home to see Dream practicing at the archery area, he had pictures of Jschlatt on each target so... Something tells me Jschlatt isn't even going to be alive by the end of this. I clear my throat to catch Dream's attention, he turned around in confusion,"Tubbo?", I held up the letter,"They responded.", Dream put the bow down and walked to me, took the letter, opened it and began to read it out loud...

Dear, Quackity;

I am thankful for you sending your request for an update on King Philza.
I apologise but King Philza has been in a coma due to a land mine going off and him suffering a massive blow from it.

But, the doctors have just informed me that he should wake up soon, they are determined and I hope his brother, Jschlatt, will be happy to see his little brother again.

Yours Sincerely,

King Eret.

Dream looked at me, with happiness and shock, I don't know, he had a mask. But he seemed happy,"He is alive! He's just recovering from a coma!", I nod, he then went upstairs to probably tell Prince Technoblade...

I walked to the my flowers and noticed a few bees have invited themselves in, I smiled and say down and let them land on me,"Hey, buddies... How are ya...?", the buzzing sound was very comforting for me...

Technoblade's POV~

I wiped my eyes as I read the letter,"Can't believe it... He is alive... He was just in a coma...", Dream nods, it was hard to tell what this man was feeling, he wore a mask that covered his face completely and his hood always covered his hair, this man was truly suspicious...
Dream walked towards a window,"So, until we have an update on where the carriage is, we got 3 weeks till a possible wedding.", I nod and stand up, "I hope your friend, Sapnap comes back soon with news.", Dream nods,"He will...", I nod and pray... Pray to God for once... That Father would come back alive and well...

Sapnap's POV~

I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes to keep myself awake, I waited... and waited...

Soon a carriage started to pull up, I ducked down as they stopped...

Someone got out of the carriage, seemed to be arguing with someone...
But the carriage took off to the forbidden forest, leaving a young man outside...
I peaked out of my hiding spot and realised it was a prince, he had brown eyes, brown hair, had a multiple colour outfit and seemed stressed...

"Who are you?"

He turned around in shock, but relaxed,"Oh, sorry. Um... I didn't think anyone was nearby.", "I'm a traveller. Can I help you? You seem to be lost.", he nods,"My sister was being a spoiled brat and I couldn't stand it.", I nod,"I see...", he turned to leave,"Hey, wait.", he seemed confused,"This way.", I switched the songs back and he was shocked,"The signs were...?", I nod and held up a hand,"Don't worry. It was for a good cause.", the boy's face went from shocked to happy,"Yeah, you sure did. If it meant my sister doesn't get a throne.", I smiled, "Just keep walking down the path and you'll get to the Kingdom.", he nods,"What's your name, Bandana man?", I bow,"Sapnap.", he smiled,"Prince Karl.", I smiled as he left...

I climb up and see Dream,"The carriage has taken the wrong turn.", he nods with a smile,"Perfect.", I've been with Dream the longest and I always can tell what emotion he is in by his voice or body language,"So, we have more time. All we need to do is find out Jschlatt's plans and make sure Philza wakes up from his coma.", I nod...

Philza's POV~

Everything was black...

The ringing in my ear hadn't left...

But... I see a light...

I try to reach for it... But...

My arms feel so heavy...

But I have to try...


I open my eyes to a chandelier... Footsteps were coming towards me,"King Philza?! King Philza, you have awaken!", I saw...


He nods with a smile,"Yes, Yes, Yes! Your awake!"...

How long was a out for...?

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