Chapter 8

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I'm so sorry for the late update! A lot of things have been going on but I'll be back to regular updates!

Also, congrats to jack for hitting 3 million subs & Happy Birthday Jack!
-Roxy's POV-

I don't think I've ever had this much fun staying at a friends house, & I'm not joking. We've recorded some videos, which were all good, some of them went on my channel & the others on Jack's channel.

I sat up in Jack's bed & looked to the side of me to see a sleeping Jack sprawled across his side of the bed, I chuckled slightly, we had a semi-massive argument about where I was going to sleep, I said to him that I'd just sleep on the couch but he insisted that I'd sleep in his bed & he'd sleep on the couch, which then lead to the little argument & the agreement that we'd just share the bed, which is nice, very nice but sometimes I feel awkward because I do like him & I don't know if he likes me back...

I leaned to the side of my bed & picked up my glasses, phone & 'Darkly Dreaming - Dexter', I put on my glasses & quickly checked Twitter & Facebook & put my phone down & picked up my book & started reading, but I was then interrupted by a yawn & loud groan from Jack, "Morning sleepy head." I got a muffled 'Morning' back from him as his head was buried in his pillow, it was pretty cute, then a reality hit me straight in the face, "I have to go home today..." I said sadly, Jack's sat up in the bed, "What? How?" I looked down at the bed sheets, "I booked an aeroplane as soon as I got here, I need to be at the airport for 3pm, my flights at 5pm..." I felt tears forming in my eyes but I blinked them back so they didn't spill over.

Why did it have to be today?


-Jack's POV-

Roxy had to go home today, I felt a little heart broken, we have gotten closer over the week & my feeling for her have definitely increased, but I just don't know how to tell her, we were in the taxi on the way to the airport, I looked at Roxy & saw the sadness in her eyes, I hate to see her sad...

The taxi pulled up to the airport & we both got out, I paid the guy & we stood outside the airport, "Well... I guess this is goodbye..." Roxy said, looking down at her feet, I grabbed her hands & she looked at me with confused eyes, "Roxy, I've been meaning to tell you this for a long long time, but you haven't been in person, until now." She giggled at that comment which made me smile, "You see, I've liked you, for a long, long time, & I..." Roxy interrupted me, "Jack, I've had feeling for you too & I didn't know that you liked me like that..." she smiled & I smiled back, bringing her into a massive hug, I was going to miss her sent of vanilla & marshmallows.

We pulled back from the hug & I saw that Roxy was blushing slightly which made me giggles slightly, I took a breath & leaned in & kissed Roxy, I think she was shocked but the settled, she put her arms around me neck & my hands went on her sides, we pulled back & she looked at me with her loving brown eyes as she bent down & picked up her bags, "Well, I guess this is a goodbye, for now." She smiled & kissed my cheek before she walked into the airport, I waved her off & I called for a taxi.

Today has been a good day...

Ashtray Heart (A JackSepticEye Story) (UNFINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now