Chapter 5

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Here is chapter 5 I hope you enjoy it.

Your POV

I woke up and stretched I got out of bed and changed into my clothes. I walked out of my room and walked down stairs I and saw saw blake, kali, and Ghira I in the living room talking.

Y/n: what's going on??

They turned to me kali looked at Ghira and he nodes.

Kali: y/n we have been talking and we would love it if you joined our family.

I was taking back by the question the Belladonna's have treated me so well I wanted to say yes but I remembered the dream I had.

????: mommy will find you soon.

Y/n: i am sorry but I must decline.

Blake starts to tear up.

Blake: you don't want to be my brother.

Y/n: no it's not that I just want to try to find my real family.

Ghira Nodes his head in Understand meant.

Ghira: I understand y/n. Just know you have a home here and That will never change.

Y/n: thank you thanks for everything.

Short time skip no one POV

I stood outside and said my goodbyes to the belladonna's.

Y/n: thank you for everything.

I started to walk away when Blake called my name.

Blake: Y/N WAIT!!!!

You stop and turned around and saw Blake running up to you.

Y/n: what is it Blake???

Blake: I want you to have this

Blake dug into her pocket and pulled out a yin yang necklace but it was a unique one the yin side was a black side was a dragon while the yang side was white a tiger

Blake dug into her pocket and pulled out a yin yang necklace but it was a unique one the yin side was a black side was a dragon while the yang side was white a tiger

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Blake: just so you don't forget me.

Y/n: thank you Blake I'll keep it safe I promise and I'll never forget you.

I Start walking towards the docks I decide to tak a short cut through the woods to avoid the faunas human haters. As I was walking I heard a whimper and voices I followed them and came to a clearing.

I saw Four man around a wounded wolf Grimm. It looked like it was a pup I gritted my teeth at the site.

Y/n mind: Why.....why must adults hurt the young for no reason.

Man1: heh... man this thing sure was fast.

Man2: yeah well you know that we have to strike first before they do.

Man3: yeah your right.

Man4: hahaha.......yeah it's gonna be fun killing this thing.

Y/n: hey leave that Grimm alone!!!

they turned to me and started to laugh when they saw me

Man3: and what are you going to do if we don't.

I summoned my sword. I slashed the air in front of me creating a shockwave pushing the group back. I made my sword go back to its ring form.

I knelt down the wolf Grimm pup and held out my hand it stepped back and whimpered.

Y/n: it's okay I am not going to hurt you.

????: but I'll hurt you brat.

I turned around and was met with a pinch to the face I hit the ground . The Grimm wolf pup ran into the forest. I looked up and saw it was one of the man that I pushed back with my sword. The other three joined him and surround me and start to kick me.

Man2: you'll pay for letting that monster loose you brat.

They kept kicking me and they through in some punches. It was getting to the point where I was about to lose consciousness. Suddenly the hits stopped and I heard Foot steps and a low growl and it sounded angry.

Suddenly heard screams of pain and howls and then there was Silence i weakly open my eyes and saw a figure kneeling in front of me. My vision was burly but I could make out the figure was female.

?????: it's okay your safe now so rest.

Y/n: wh.....who.....are..

?????:'s okay rest now mommy's got you y/n.

That was the last word I heard before my eyes closed and I let the darkness take hold

A/n: so there you go hope you enjoyed it. Peace out!!!!!!

The Unloved Rose male abused and neglected reader x rwby haremWhere stories live. Discover now