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And I know,

Some days it takes a lot of strength. To get up in the morning knowing your heart is bruised. But the world isn't kind.

And on those days I want you to remember that, YOU ARE BRAVE.

And somewhere someone is aspiring to become as brave as you. As courageous as you. Somewhere people wants to become as kind as you. The way you handle your pain with so much grace. They are proud of you. I am proud of you. And those who know you are proud of you.

No matter how much your heart is aching. Hurting. But it still beating. Reminding you that, It will end soon. The pain. The hardship. They will all come to an end.

But for now, Please acknowledge the exhaustion which your heart feel. Accept that you can't be at your best always. You can't do your best always.

And it's absolutely okay.

It's okay if all you did today, is wake up. And breath. It's okay if all you did today is soaked yourself in the sun. It's okay, if today you decided to stay longer in your bed. To sip your tea taking a little longer than usual. It's okay to  be a broken mess.

But what's not okay is you not trying. Not standing. Not fighting like a warrior you are!

Take your time for HEALING.

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