About Us

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Hello!!This is the founder, miraculous_beauty here

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This is the founder, miraculous_beauty here.

Let me tell you all about our community and also about this Awards.

Why did I build this community?

Well, the answer is simple. I built this community for helping writers and mostly everyone in growing their interest.
Wattpad is a great app for writers and readers, I love this app. But, there are still some writers, who write in a good way but are not yet popular. The same goes with some readers, yes you heard right!
Readers, who read the book and are capable of judging it in the best possible way.
I built the community to help them and find their best.

Why did I named it as Aurora?

Well,you might be wondering the reason behind naming it as Aurora. Right?
It's also simple answer, I named to Aurora, because I find Aurora magical and also it implies that you may still find the light in the darkness if you have hope and also to Never lose Hope. That's it!!

About the community members?

Yes, now about the members!!
Well, in our commuity everyone is very kind and delightful.
They are actual fun to interact with. I'm very happy about my decision of making this community and accepting all my dear members in the community.
It's great to have a conversation with them. You'll find their names in the bio.

Now, let's talk about this contest, right?

Basically, this contest only have two genres, yes only 2 genres.

One is Fantasy and second is Horror.

20 books per genre!! If you're late then sorry your time is out.

Rules, forms and other things will be explained in detail in next chapters.

Thank you!! Have a nice day.

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