"you and kian are the perfect couple like for reals for reals." says sam potorff. as kian hears that he turns around and smacks me and says "SMACK CAM". as i wipe the whip cream off my plush white skin kian put more on. "oh my god kian stop i hate you!"
Veanna's point of view: i hate kian he is such an asshole i hate him soo much. i mean hes cute and all but he doesnt have to be an ass to me. sometimes i just want to punch him in the face. oh my god here comes trevor and his girlfriend zoey. i love zoey she is soo awsome she is beautiful to.
"hey zoey how are you i can't wait for tonight it is going to be so fun." while waiting for zoey to answer i sat next to jc caylen and his grilfriend claudia. "hey veanna im good and it will be super fun i still remeber the first time we met." says zoey with a smile on her face. "kian how come you have to be a big jerk to veanna shes just trying to get a boyfriend" "oh my god claudia im not going to be with kian though cause KIAN would prank me all the time and we dont like each other."
Veanna's point of view: kian may be cute but he is mean to me and we were friends at first but then last weeks halloween party made me look a little more deeper into not liking him. but then theres that one time during the summer we kissed but i never felt that special zing everyone talked about. but me and kian never talked about it to any of our friends cause we never wanted anyone to know.
"so veanna maybe you and kian can hook up and become besties at least come on lets all group hug and then make sure kians atleast has one arm around veanna and not hurting her." says rickey dillon with a smile. as everyone goes in for the group hug me and kian separate and go diffrent directions. i had the long drive to my apratment in los angles.