~Chapter 6~

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A/N: Just as a reminder, the grammar and punctuation in this chapter won't be good, because Ban doesn't care about that stuff.

-Ban's P.O.V-

the 15 minutes that the doctor spent conducting tests on elaine were way too long. by the time that she was done i was already imagining the worst case scenarios. what if she was so badly hurt that she would have to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of her life? i vowed that if she had to do that i would take care her forever. it was my fault anyways. if only i had gotten to her sooner. 

my fists started to ball up at my side. looking back on it those men deserved to spend an eternity or 2 in hell. they had been harassing a minor and probably would have raped her if i hadn't gotten there to beat them up. maybe they hadn't gotten the message drilled into their heads enough. maybe i had to go and find them again and remind them of what they had done to elaine.  

the door opened to elaine's room, shaking me out of my dark thoughts. what had i been thinking? im sure elaine is fine. she's definitely going to be fine.

"so doctor, how is she? Is she going to be okay?" i asked, as soon as the doctor had stepped out of elaine's room. 

"Well," dr. yoroko started as all of us gathered around her. "Thankfully, she's in stable condition. She does have a couple of fractions in her arms and pretty bad bruising around her mouth and ankles. She also has a minor concussion but nothing too serious. Just make sure to change her bandages regularly and keep her hydrated."

"How long will she need to rest until she can have visitors? Will she need to go to the hospital for treatment or is it okay for her to stay here?" ellie asked quickly.

"Fortunately, Miss Fountain will not be hospitalized, but if her condition becomes worse, please call the hospital immediately. I wouldn't recommend visiting for long periods of time, as it could hurt her condition if she doesn't have enough time to rest. Only a few visitors for 10 minutes every six to eight hours, if you have any visitors at all. Also, make sure that she doesn't sleep for too long, wake her up every two hours and ask her a simple question to make sure her concussion hasn't become worse or if there are any signs of brain damage. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to the hospital to see some other patients. If you have any questions or something happens to Miss Fountain, please contact the hospital directly."

"Thank you Dr. Yoroko, you've been a huge help. Have a safe trip back to the hospital." king said as the dr left.

"ok so like wut do we do now?" I asked.

"Well, I think that we should check up on Elaine, and make sure she's comfortable." diane said and we all nodded in agreement.

when we walked into elaine's room, she was still unconscious. when we got closer to her bed, i could see the bandages on her arms and around her head. this made me so angry. i still thought that those men deserved to die.

we sat around her bed, ellie was sitting on the floor, diane at the foot of her bed, guila was sitting on the desk, and i was on a chair. king was fussing around with her covers, trying to make sure she was comfortable.


the next hour or so went by pretty quickly. we all stood watch for the first couple of minutes, but after a while, diane and guila had to go home. ellie stayed with me, and we stayed in her room, hoping to see her wake up before we left to go home. but at some point, she had to go because she had an organizing class. it was exactly the thing that ellie did all the time.

at some point i must have fallen asleep, cause the next thing i remember was that a pair of little hands were shaking me. 

"what! what happened?" i asked groggily, jolting awake.

"Nothing, silly! It's just me." i turned to see that elaine was sitting up in bed looking over at me with a smile. "Hi."

"oh, hey. how are you feeling?" i asked her.

"I'm okay, everything's kind of sore, but I think I'll make it out of this one alive." elaine said, starting to giggle.

i almost cut her off, grabbing her and pulling her into a hug. i didn't know what had come over me but i just needed to make sure that she was still there. almost as if i didn't touch her, then i wouldnt think she was real. 

elaine, quite obviously was very surprised by this. but after a few seconds she slowly wrapped her arms around me, and whispered into my ear.

"I'm really sorry for making you worry, Ban. I shouldn't have been by myself." 

"but that's the thing," i said, releasing her from the embrace so that i could look her in the eye. "you shouldnt have to worry about something like that. those men should not have been trying to harass you in the first place. like, just think of all of the girls that get taken advantage of all the time because a group of drunk men decide that they like her. i mean, most of them don't get saved by anyone, and it's absolutely terrible."

"I agree," elaine said, looking kind of sad. "It really is horrible, but unfortunately that's how society works at this point. But I know that there are lots of people out there trying to make a stand to ensure that something like this never happens to anyone. It's not just about girls either, boys get harassed too, but they can't say anything about it, because no one would believe them. And that's why I want to wok on making this world safe for everyone."

"yeah, you're totally right, and i'd love to help make your dream a reality. but for now, let's just focus on you getting better. why don't you take a little nap before dinner." i replied, helping her get comfortable. 

elaine dozed off in a few seconds, and i watched her for a minute. she looked so peaceful. 

'i'd love to help make your dream a reality.' what had i been thinking when i said that? what was wrong with me?


Heyyy! I'm sorry I disappeared for a while, I ended up going on vacation with my family, and I didn't have any time or access to Wattpad. But I'm back now! 

Anyways, how was the chapter?? Did y'all enjoy it?? I personally really agreed with the points that Elaine and Ban were making during their conversation in the last scene. What did you think? Was it too serious for this book, or was it good? Let me know!

Stay safe!


Liones High's Bad Boy (Ban and Elaine) - UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now