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Months had passed since (y/n) joined Section 9. All of which was him doing work and not sharing his feelings which was oddly normal for the team. Armory was known soon as the "Attack dog" due to his extreme aggression to any combatant. As well as "Point Man" for him being the first one in. The team worked well together and Armory became a well respected member of the team. After a couple of paydays and some smart investments, Armory had purchased a vehicle to help with his long commute. He walked into his office wearing his casual attire and jacket and sat at his desk getting his paperwork ready. 

Armory managed to finish his work and opened his drawer to pull out a magazine he bought a week ago. He fanned through the various articles and then paused on one page in particular, it displayed an ad for perfume. The woman on the front had short brown hair and deep garnet eyes. He had no idea on why this ad made him pause for a moment which allowed Batou to look over his shoulder.

Batou: She your type?

Armory: No. I thought she looked familiar and I took a moment to see if I could recognize her.

Batou: Well she does have that face.

Armory: *closes the magazine and tosses it aside* It does not matter. Plus I am not a woman so I could not use that perfume anyway.

Batou: I don't know, you could


Tempest Heavy Industries. Known for their heavy ordinance and military technology. Primarily an American company, but its Japanese branch has been experimenting with cloning technology for soldiers to be commanded by a control implant . The company managed to create two battalions before working more on the command chip. In the control center for the chip, there were two corpses of scientists, three soldiers and a man inserting the chip into his head.

?: Now... lets restart this business. 

The soldiers immediately started to move in unison and ready their weapons. they soon divided into squads and move through the building, shooting anyone they saw. The security in the building could not handle the coordination of the soldiers. It was like they knew every tactic they had  planned before they could even use it. Police alarms were delayed by an hour which made the assault even more effective. Scientists, clerks, accountants, it didn't matter. They were sot on the spot and there was nothing but chaos. The man walked through the carnage and there was no sign of life as the hallways were caked in blood. The figure walked through the building almost happy that there was this much carnage and blood loss. A female figure walked to him wearing a skintight battle suit and a mask with glowing blue eyes 

Female: Sir... Are you sure this is wise? This is unplanned, and quite brash to get him.

?: I understand your concern... but we must eliminate him. He has joined that force... We cannot allow him to activate his true skills. Yet he still has his programs.

Female: You tested it?

?: Indeed. Some yakuza goons needed slaughtering. 

Female: How many are you leaving here?

?: a few. I need them to understand that I want my property back.


The alarms blared and all of section 9 were gearing up.

Mokoto was barking orders and getting everyone into transports. Everyone was confused but Armory was calm and collected. During the ride Mokoto described the issues that were in the call to action. Tempest arms had been attacked by a terrorist organization and they needed to eliminate targets and search for survivors. Armory was wearing his mask and checking his gear as the orders were described.

Batou: You alright Armory?

Armory: This is routine and I am unsure why you feel like you must check in. 

THey had soon arrived at the scene and they saw the entire building dead quiet and nothing being seen

Armory: No targets in sight. 

The group moved until they had reached the atrium... but suddenly heard some one yell....


A woman soon appeared from the shadows and bolted toward them. 

Armory: *thinking* why is she familiar

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Armory: *thinking* why is she familiar...

Sorry if this chapter is short. Lack of motivation has been hard 

Ghosts in The Machine (Motoko Kusanagi x Male Reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now