Part 1

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It is my first day I am walking towards the cruise as I see my dad and hug him really as hard and then we saw London come through and then we saw Carey and Zack and Cody I said hi to Carey and then hugged Cody and Zack just said hi sweet thang and I gave him a hug. Then he said you missed me and I said Zack shut up will you and Cody said he hasn't shut up about you since you left the hotel. I just laughed and Zack went bright red. I went to my room it was so cool I was sharing with this girl called Bailey. I was unpacking and then two boys walked in and ofc Cody started to fall for Bailey and they went to explore the boat so I sat on my bed and Zack sat by me I was literally looking at myself in the mirror when he said so this is comfy and cozy right and I said I guess and then he said are you cold and I layed down and said yes so he layed next to me and we must of fell asleep because I woke up and Zack was by me and it was morning already I punched him to wake up and he wouldn't which was mean and then I he gave me a big hug . I blushed and then he left and Bailey was like omg I knew it and I told Cody you were going to get together and I was just laughing. We walked out on to the deck and I saw Zack flirting with girls and I said to Bailey wh-wh- what he can't do that can he and Bailey said wait why are you jealous and the it hit me I like Zack and then I turned to Bailey I can't like Zack like he is Zack and I said to Bailey let's go and Zack came over and said sup and I just walked off and then I hear Zack say to Bailey what's up with her And bailey said your such an idiot god sake.

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