Chapter One

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A/N* Sorry the drawing isn't great, but I tried! I have one of Bobby as well, which I think is much better than Jo's. I will probably use it on a title page at some point as well.


The alarm clock beside Jo's bed sounded. Jo groaned and clumsily slapped at it with her eyes shut, till she knocked it and it fell to the floor with a thud, still alarming. She growled and opened her eyes, sliding to the edge of the bed to retrieve the alarm clock. Her brother Bobby opened her door as she was putting the alarm clock back in it's spot on the table.

"Dad told me to tell you that it's time to get up" Bobby said

"No dip brainiac!" She growled at him, her brother could be so annoying sometimes.

Bobby put his hands up in a defensive gesture, "Jeez, what crawled up your ass and died?" He retorted, and walked out letting the door slam. She glared at the closed door, and reached over and turned off the alarm. She wished Dad had heard him cuss, then he would have lost a quarter from his upcoming allowance to the swear jar. Dad always said "No cussing allowed under age 18".

She threw the covers off, jumped out of bed, and started digging through her dresser drawers, making a mess of her room in the process. She found the shirt she was looking for, grabbed a pair of jeans and some socks, and turned to look at the destruction. She scowled. Her father, who did a bed check every morning, would make her clean her room when she got home, before she could go anywhere else. Great. She had wanted to join up with her friends after school. Nothing to be done about it now, she'd just shove it all in her drawers and be done once she got home, she should still have enough time to meet her friends at the theater after. She turned on her heels and hurried off to the bathroom to get a shower.

She didn't take long showers, so she was in and out in under thirty minutes. Once dressed, she brushed her teeth, brushed her long Auburn hair, and hurried off to the kitchen for breakfast. She never fussed around with things like make up and hairstyles. That kind of thing only slowed her down, no time for all that. She rushed into the kitchen just as the toaster was popping up the toast, her Dad was just laying some eggs on a plate. Jo grabbed the toast from the toaster, slathered butter on it, grabbed her book bag and started to turn to leave.

"Bye Dad" She said, mouth full of toast

"Whoa! Where's the fire kiddo?! You haven't had any breakfast" Dean said, grabbing the back of her book bag and halting her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, biting her lip in order to control her temper.

"I don't want breakfast. Toast is fine. I told Josh and Abby I would walk to school with them, I gotta go Dad!" She said, trying hard to keep the attitude out of her voice.

"Alright" Dean relented, "Have a good day at school"

She gave him a quick peck on the cheek, which he returned, and then bolted up the stairs. Bobby finished his breakfast, and grabbed his own bag.

"I should probably get going too. See ya later Dad" Bobby said, waving to Dean as he headed for the stairs.

Dean waved back and then sat down at the table with Jack. Jack was a Nephillum (part human/part Arch Angel, also the son of Lucifer) who had been living with them since before the twins came along. Sam, Dean and Cas had all become his surrogate father's. Jack was in his early 20's now, but he was still very much like a child. Although he lived at the bunker with Sam and Dean most of the time, he had recently been with Cas doing God know's what, God knows where. The only thing Cas had told Dean was that he wanted to have some Father/Son bonding time with Jack, and then he and Jack disappeared. Castiel wasn't very good at communicating sometimes. He and Jack had been gone for around two weeks, and had just returned late last night as Dean was getting ready to head to bed. Dean looked at Jack now.

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