Chapter Two

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Jo was a little shaken and not quite sure what to do. Her gut kept telling her that she needed to tell her Dad about her Mom, but she felt like she was in too deep now. She'd kept her Mother a secret for so long, her Father would be absolutely furious with her. He and Sam had been training the kids during the weekends. Training them how to hunt, how to defend themselves, what monsters were what, the whole nine. One of her Dad's rules was; "No Secrets, No lies. All information is to be shared with the group." He had a placard in the garage with the "Rules of Hunting" engraved into it, there were about 10 rules listed on it. When he came home with it, her Uncle Sam scoffed at him. He asked her father if he actually planned to follow those rules himself. She wasn't sure that her Dad had ever actually answered him. Now though, she was starting to feel guilty about not telling him about her Mom. What if she had brought something worse back? What if her Mother turned into a monster herself, what then? Could she actually handle killing her own Mother? And why did her Mother suddenly want her to leave the safety of her home?

"Joanna?! Are you paying attention?" She heard her teacher yell, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Sorry Miss Macafee" She mumbled, slightly embarrassed by the attention the teacher had drawn to her.

She pushed her thoughts aside and tried to focus on her studies. By lunch however, she had reached a decision. She was going to tell her father, and face the consequences whatever they might be. He wouldn't be happy. In fact, he was going to be furious, but she would rather face his wrath, than put herself in danger again, and she was pretty sure she was in danger.

At the end of the day, the bell rang and she grabbed her bags and headed to her locker. Her friends Abby and Josh met her there.

"Hey Jojo!" Josh said, using her nickname

"Hey Josh" She said, only half smiling, Josh and Abby exchanged glances.

"What's wrong Jo?" Abby asked her

"Nothing, but I probably wont be able to meet you guys at the theater tonight. My Dad sent me a text, he has a bunch of chores he wants me to do." She told them, shoving her bag into her locker, and slamming it shut.

"Aw, really? Girl, your Dad always has you doing some kind of chores!" Josh exclaimed, Abby nodded in agreement.

"I know, I'm sorry. Maybe next week sometime" She said. If I'm not grounded for the rest of my life after tonight she thought.

"Well, want us to walk you home?" Abby said

Jo turned so she could face them, walking backwards in front of them.

"No, I have something I have to do before I head home. I'll catch you guys at school tomorrow." She said, and waved to them as she turned and jogged towards the exit.

On her way home, she stopped at the cemetery.

"Mom!" She called, "Are you here?". Her Mother stepped out from behind a tall statue. She couldn't tell what the statue was supposed to be anymore. It was old and crumbling.

"You came back" Her Mother said

Jo half smiled and said, "Yeah, uh. I thought about your offer, and you know...I think it would be best if I didn't go with you. Dad would get worried and try to find me, and then he'd find you and who knows what he would do." She said rather quickly, "In fact, um...I don't think we should see each other anymore Mom"

"But Baby! Why?!" Her Mother exclaimed

"I just...don't think it's a good idea. Y'know, Dad. Dad finds out everything, and I don't want to put you in danger" She lied

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