Chapter 10: I hate hospitals

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Following everyone going into their parts of the plan, my job with Rosalie once she wrapped back around was to protect my dad. All be damned if anything happened to him. It was very hard for me to not know what was happening with Bella, I felt like I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop at this point. At some point, I knew I was gonna get a call that something had happened. It had been almost a day since I had heard any news about the whole situation. At this moment I was sitting in my car around the corner from my house, hiding so my dad couldn't see me but I could see the house.


My passenger door was ripped open, a blonde blur jumped in slamming the door shut.

"ROSALIE, what the heck," I said trying to calm myself, somehow she was able to sneak up on me while I was lost in my thoughts.

"Drive, we have to get to Arizona. I'll explain on the way." She said as I quickly revved my engine, questions swirled in my mind. We had roughly a day-long drive to Phoenix.

"Rose? What is going on?" I asked concern wavering through my voice.

"The boys were able to catch James..." She said, I looked at her knowing there was more to the story, she caught my eye, took a deep breath, and continued. "Bella however was able to sneak away from Alice and Jasper, James lured her to some old dance studio, he attacked her, but Edward went there in time, but James bit her, the venom is our though, she also broke her leg and now she has a concussion. Now to keep the story up for your dad, we need you there as well." I simply nodded, biting my lip, my worry for my sister was peaking, I wanted to see her and make sure she was okay, having her in such danger made me realize I really try to improve our relationship. It's time for me to forgive her for the things she said to me.

So we drove, we stopped twice for quick gas-ups cause 4 runners took a lot of gas, but thanks to speeding we were able to make it in under 20 hours. When we made it to Phoenix and found the hospital, I ran human speed into the building and to the receptionist desk.

"I'm here for Bella Swan" I rushed out to the man. He gave me instructions down the hall to the short-term rooms.

There she was laying on the bed, her leg cast and propped up on a pillow, her arm wrapped in gauze. Edward sat in the chair next to her, holding her none injured hand in his. Her eyes wandered up to mine as I slowly made my way to her bedside, they looked kinda sad as they gazed into mine.

"Hey Bells, how are you feeling?" I asked her softly.

"I've been better. How's Charlie?" She awkwardly responded.

"He's upset but will be fine. I think it may take a couple of apologies and 'I love you's' before he gets over it completely. I'm sorry I wasn't here." I felt guilty that I couldn't have done more to help keep her safe. "The redhead lingered for a little bit longer but left the area about three days ago, I have a feeling we will see her again."

"Well, I wanted to say sorry for what I said to you, I never intend to hurt you, it was easier to say those things but I realized it was because I knew I could hurt you and you would come back, but having you ignore me for some many years, well it made me realize that I want us to be close like we were as little girls." If I could I knew my eyes would be misty from her speech. I put my hand on her shoulder to show I forgave her.

I took a deep breath to recollect myself. "So, before mom and dad get here what is our story? I mean I came on a flight to get here first, but what is the lie for Edward and what happened to Bella ?"

"I came to Phoenix to talk some sense into Bella, to convince her to come back to Forks." He explained, "She agreed to see me, and you two drove out to the hotel where I was staying with Carlisle and Alice, who is in the cafeteria right now - of course I was here with parental supervision, but she tripped on the stairs on the way to my room and through the window, breaking her leg, cutting her wrist, and achieving a concussion. She isn't going to remember any details, though; so she has a good excuse to be a little muddled about the finer points. You, Evelyn, stayed in the car, so I just need to know the basics."

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