Volume 4 chapter 5:training, FOX VS SCORPION! Shadow new power.

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We see Team JNR with Oscar and KRAB were training with team F.N.K.I as they were working on team work, then Team RWBY and Sonic Shadow and Silver were training getting stronger and girls semblance too we getting stronger as Clover and Ironwood walked in with Tails sleeping on Clover back "is tails okay?" Yang asked "he's fine he's just working himself too hard but thanks to his effects we found we a to launch amity tower so far ahead of schedule that we are just waiting to use the relic and that's it" Clover said as he handed Tails over to Yang "we have mission for Yang which to make Tails take a break" Ironwood said making Yang smirk "wait where's Sonic?" Clover asked as everyone noticed Sonic wasn't their "strange he was just here" "shadow too" Blake and Ruby said as Shadow appeared using Chaos Control but kept his head down "shadow you okay?" Blake asked as he stood up he revealed his eyes.

I as they were working on team work, then Team RWBY and Sonic Shadow and Silver were training getting stronger and girls semblance too we getting stronger as Clover and Ironwood walked in with Tails sleeping on Clover back "is tails okay?" Yang as...

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"Shadow what happened to your eyes?" Oscar asked as he had fear in his voice "Kurama knows them he calls them sharingans" Shadow replied as he eyes were improved and he felt them same though different power that Sonic had as in Chakra "so Kurama knows?" Weiss asks "well he wasn't happy to see them I tell that much" Shadow said "what makes you say that?" Yang asked "SHADOW!!!!" Kurama shouted as everyone turned to see Sonic in Avatar.

"Shadow what happened to your eyes?" Oscar asked as he had fear in his voice "Kurama knows them he calls them sharingans" Shadow replied as he eyes were improved and he felt them same though different power that Sonic had as in Chakra "so Kurama k...

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Mode as Kurama tried to crush Shadow "I HATE THOSE BLOODY EYES AS I WAS HUNTED DOWN BY BLACKDOOM SAME WITH THE OTHER TAILED BEASTS" Kurama said as he was being restrained by Sonic try to take over. "That bastard Black domm hunted us down with those eyes however I'm not sure how much he unlocked its true power" Kurama explained but then let Sonic take over and dropped out of the tails beast avatar "sorry about that guy" Sonic said "we came here to let you know to have some time off tonight for the vote as tomorrow will change things but not by much" Ironwood told making them smile, after woods Yang, Blake, Shadow and Tails were heading to a nightclub with team FNKI while Wiess, Silver, Jaune and Oscar went to the movies. But Sonic and Ruby with Nora and Ren to keep an eyes on the victory party for Robyn as they walked down Ren and Nora started to argue while Ruby clung to Sonic arm "you're happy" he commented "it's been a while since I've done this so let me enjoy this" Ruby replied.

As they arrived at the party they saw Marrow talking to Robyn and after her speech Sonic found Penny and Omega doing guard duty "sonic I sense the guy that Ruby cut off his tail!" Kurama warned and Sonic started to look around he saw the metal tail "CHAOS CONTROL!" Sonic shouted as he stopped time, he grabbed Tyrian's tail and smashed him into the ground as time returned to normal "Sonic going on?!" Ruby asked "Penny no matter what, don't get involved!" Sonic said entering Kyuubi mode as Tyrian got back up "so you gotten more powerful" he said "looks someone had to get a new metal tail looks heavy" Sonic mocked him which pissed Tyrian off as he rushed him to try to poison Sonic he landed a hit "SONIC!" Ruby shouted with Tyrian smirking until he saw Sonic smiling "meet my friend, KURAMA!" Sonic shouted as he entered the four tails stated and ripped Tyrian and crush it with his bear hands "YoUr tHe rEaSoN ThAt PeOpLe dYiNg CaUsE YoU'vE bEEn fRaMiNg iROnWOoD RIGHT?!" Kurama and Sonic both spoke "of course to get the city scared for our queen arrival!" he shouted before Four Tails Sonic smashed his face into the ground knocking him out with Marrow restaining him and a drop ship came to take him to prison however Robyn lost the vote even thought she had more votes it glitch giving Jacques more votes "great so much for that plan" Sonic said as Ruby hugged "I'm just glad your okay" she said hugged him tighter "I promised I would stay with you I'm gonna to keep it" Sonic replied "Kurama can you sense Salem?" Sonic asked "no but let's just hope she not cause I'm gonna need the Chakra we have and more if you intend to turn Ultra Sonic" Kurama replied....

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