Needles and Pins

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Obviously NSFW, contains BDSM 

Christine bent down and started to remove Stevie's panties, slowly sliding them off the standing girl's body, exposing her trembling sex. She could feel Stevie's tense anticipation build as her last illusion of sexual control was slipped off her legs and tossed aside. 

Christine was pleased to see that Stevie had followed her instructions carefully. The pussy before her had been shaved completely bald, revealing two perfect labia, slightly red and swollen with arousal, parted just enough to reveal her pink inner lips glistening between them. Above this sight was Stevie's equally bald mound with "Christine's Cunt" carefully written in bright red lipstick.

Christine's nipples grew rock hard at the sight of the perfect young sex and she struggled to contain a lustful smile. The lipstick had been a small but psychologically important task, giving Stevie the chance to write out her own reminder of who owned her pussy. Above the words the tense girl's chest moved up and down rapidly. Christine paused to take in the beautiful sight.

Through the past weeks Christine had been careful to not raise her own hopes too high. It was hard enough to find a girl willing to fulfil even the lighter of Christine's demanding sexual fantasies, but Stevie had not only happily completed all of Christine's online tasks and sent photo proof, she was also a stunning young college girl, the kind that even the most dedicated class professor can't avoid glancing at just a bit too often. She should be off giggling to her friends about the hot guys she met at last night's party. Not quite a virgin anymore, but still just beginning to explore her sexuality.

Instead Stevie was here in Christine's apartment, visibly frightened and unsure of herself, but clearly wanting this enough to have taken the step from the online games that she could quit at any time to physically submitting herself to Christine's perverted will. Now it was time for Christine to see how far this girl would really go.

Not yet saying a word, Christine moved a finger to Stevie's cunt, giving it a gentle stroke and collecting some of the wetness that was growing with the younger girl's every breath. Holding the moistened finger up to inspect it, Christine finally broke the tense silence.

"Looks like you're even more helpless  than I thought. I've barely even touched you and you're cunt is soaked. Well technically it's my cunt now. And I see you followed my directions for preparing it."

"Yes mistress." Stevie replied timidly.

Christine allowed herself to take a lick of her finger, savouring Stevie's delicate taste. Stevie gave a soft moan at the sight. Christine turned her eyes back to Stevie's cunt and touched it again, this time spreading her outer lips to reveal her true prize, Stevie's clit. Partly covered by a tiny hood and also quite moist, the engorged little pleasure nub perfectly complimented the rest of the pussy. Christine took a taste and Stevie convulsed immediately with pleasure, thighs thrusting out into Christine's face.

"Calm yourself!" Christine grabbed the girl's left nipple and twisted it cruelly, changing immediately from gentle lover to dominating bitch. "Owwww! That hurts!" squeaked the surprised Stevie.

"That hurts, MISTRESS" Christine replied and gave the nipple a harder twist. Stevie cried out again. "And if you think that hurts then maybe I was wrong about you."

"No, I'm sorry mistress. I want you to hurt to me. My wet young cunt is yours to do with as you please. Hurt me bad. I will do as you command." Stevie sputtered back.

Secretly Christine was very pleased with the response. This girl might have potential to give her what she wanted. Now it was Christine's job to ease her in gradually, using Stevie's commitment and arousal to cloud her judgement into allowing increasingly permanent punishments.

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