Chapter four

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chapter four
It was a normal day at school I went to class went to the rooftop to have lunch with Aoi and then I hangout in the bathroom but hanako has been acting strange ever since kou and him summoned the girl ghost he was telling me abou did something happen did she do something to him i kept asking myself until I actually spoke out and said "hanako did something happen when you and kou summoned that girl ghost" he then turned to me fast and had a surprised/shocked expression on his face until I heard him say "no. Nothing happened, why do you ask?" "o-ohI was just asking cause you've been acting....different ever since you and kou summoned that ghost girl you were telling me about" "W-WHAT?! N-NO I HAVEN"T! WHAT MAKES YOU SAY THAT?" "well to start off you've been more quiet and hill more then usual you're usually bouncing off the walls with energy and so cheerful and you've been more....deep in thought and you spend more time looking out the window for hours so I wanna know why you're acting so different so can you pleaseeeee~ tell me why you're acting different" " if you promise not to tell anyone not even kou especially not kou." "ok i promise." ""
"c'mon hanko just tell mee~" "ok fine... I like....herlyn" "who's herlyn" "herlyn is the 8th apperician at this school she's the ghost I summoned with kou she grants wishes like me but hers dont come witha price and she is in charge of keeping the garden good and healthy for the school" "well how old is she?" "well in ghost years or when she died?" "when she died" "she is 13" wow shes only 2 years younger than me "well tell me more abou =t her i'm interested" "o-okay sure" "well she's like a angel she has a cute round face small lips big brown eyes and her long dark brown hair" "wow she sounds beautiful" she sounded like she was from the heavens from how hanako described her i wanted to see her for my own eyes "well what else" "well she's also dominican and puertorican when she was alive she would bring some pastalito's i think they were called for me and her they're her favorite and they were delicious" " that's cool i've never met a hispanic person before I heard about dominicans and puerto ricans in my history class" "yea but she also never wanted to go home because she was scared of her dad and she would ask to stay with me" "why was she scared of her dad?" "I don't know if I should tell you I mean it's a very touchy subject for her but if you really want to know more about her I can take you to her if you want?" "YES take me to her!" "ok sure!" Me and hanako walked outside the school to the school garden and I was surprised of who I was her Herlyn the ghost....the 8th apperician....the garden ghost she looked so beautiful and she was more developed then me but I guess that was cause her genes "yashiro meet Herlyn Herlyn meet yashiro" "h-hey" I said "heyy I'm Herlyn nice to meet you" she said with a big smile on her face and holding her hand out for a handshake
(I drew this myself so please don't be mean🥺)

the garden ghost she looked so beautiful and she was more developed then me but I guess that was cause her genes "yashiro meet Herlyn Herlyn meet yashiro" "h-hey" I said "heyy I'm Herlyn nice to meet you" she said with a big smile on her face and ...

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I never thought she would be so...developed at 13 while I'm 15 and I look like a child she really was a angel she was so friendly I knew me and her were gonna get along really well and her appearance made me even more interested in knowing more about her since she had the same hat as hanako it was identical to his and she had a black dress with black and white striped socks her appearance seemed more modern day not like hanako and the other appericians "so what brings you here yashiro and hanako?" "Oh yashiro wanted to ask you some questions to know about you" "oh for real?" "Yea" "well I'm gonna go cause I don't wanna be nosy" hanako said as he floated back into the school "soooo yashiro~ what is it you wanna ask me?" "O-oh I wanted to know about your past how you died like interesting stuff" as I said this Herlyn lowered her head and her hair hat was covering her eyes but I heard her sobbing quietly and tears falling down her cheeks

I-I h-h-have t-to g-go" Herlyn said as she ran into the school crying her eyes out as I stood there in the school garden worried confused and,,,,interested

I didn't like when people would bring up or ask me about my past except for hanako since he was in it and I could trust him and when yashiro said she wante to know about how I died and past i just burst into tears but i managed to mutter out "I-I h-h-have t-to g-go" then I ran into the school to find hanako and as I suspected he was in the bathrrom I bust the door open with my eyes filled with tears "h-hanako can I stayhere with you for a little bit?" "s-sure" then i went upto him and layed on his chest he felt so warm and comforting "so w-what happened why are you crying?" "w-w-well w-when y-yashiro s-said she w-wanted to k-know m-more about me she s-said she w-wanted t-to know my past and all the m-memories started flowing i-in causing me t-t-to c-cry" I tried my best to hold my sobs in but I just couldn't I couldn't hold them back "its okay you can let it all out" and so I did I cried so hard onto hanako's chest remembering the night I died and how bad my life was when I was alive and how I was just a toy for my parents to play with my entire life That's when I started hearing rain droplets hit the window in hanako's bathroom "oh look it's raining" "yea I like rain" "really?"hanako asked "yea the rain is nice but I don't really like getting wet" "oh it's ok you can stay here with me until it clears up" "ok thanks hanako" I said as I fell asleep on hanako's chest

I was wondering all day why Herlyn started crying when I said I wanted to know her past was her past bad? Did she kill someone? How did she die so young? All these questions went throughout my mind and I was even more curious about her past rather than hanako's now what if I try to ask her tomorrow again will she understand I guess I won't know until I ask her tomorrow.

Herlyn the 8th apperician Where stories live. Discover now