New friends

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As I was getting ready to leave and go on the train I heard my dad remus call up to me, "Nessa, we gotta go!!" "I'm Coming!" I yelled back while walking down the stairs. We used floo powder to get to platform 9 3/4. Once I got there I saw millions of witches and wizards, it was brilliant. "Holy crickets!" I said in amazement. We had ten minutes until the train left so I hugged my mum and dad goodbye and hopped onto the train. I didn't have any friends so I found an empty compartment and sat there. Because I was sitting alone I started reading my favorite book, midnight sun, as I was reading I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings until a young boy asked me a question. "um, excuse me, can I sit here?" The boy asked, "of course" as I said that, the boy smiled and walked into the compartment and sat across from me, "I'm Harry by the way, Harry Potter" "nice to meet you Harry, I'm Vanessa lupin" after we introduced ourselves we became friends instantly. We were talking about random stuff like, what our life was like before we were going to hogwarts and all that stuff for a while until a red head boy came up to the compartment and asked if he could sit here. "of course" me and Harry both said and then started laughing because we said it at the same time. As the boy sat down he said "bloody hell, your Harry Potter" the boy said in amazement, "I'm Ron by the way, Ron weasley" "nice to meet you Ron" me and Harry both said at the same time again. "hey, are you two twins or something?" The boy asked. Harry replied, "no, why?" "because you two look identical!" The boy said in amazement again, "we do?!" me and Harry both said at the same time once again. "yeah! You guys could easily fool people that you were related!" Ron said. "well that would be cool that we could trick everyone that we were siblings" harry said laughing quietly, "yeah, I guess your right". We talked for a little bit until Ron said, "can i show you a magic trick that my brothers taught me?" "yeah sure" He cleared his throat "sun-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence because a girl with super curly hair came to the door of the compartment and asked us a question, "have any of you seen a toad? a boy named Neville has lost one. Oh, are you doing magic? lets see it" she said like a snob. Ron cleared his throat once again and started saying the spell, "Sunshine daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow!" Nothing happened, "are you sure that's a real spell? well its not very good, is it?" "Holy crickets! your harry potter" Ok is this kid like famous or something? because I have never heard of this kid in my life. "I'm Hermione Granger. and you are?" Hermione asked Ron. "Ron weasley" he said with food in his mouth, "pleasure" she said back sounding disgusted. She sat with us the rest of the ride. After about ten minutes we finally made it to Hogwarts. We rode on boats to get to Hogwarts and I sat with Harry and Ron. Once we got inside we all got called in 1 by 1 to get sorted, My dad was in gryffindor and my mother was in hufflepuff so I hope I get i either one of those. "Vanessa Lupin" As my name was called, I walked up to the sorting hat, sat on the stool and waited to get sorted. 

sorry this first chapter is short, This is pretty much just the intro  but I promise the other chapters will be longer. also, If you are reading my other story "the life of livia cullen" don't worry, I am still working on that one. thank you for choosing my story, I really  appreciate it😊

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