9| Musical Catastrophe of Love

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Sebastian and Hunter walked into the final rehearsal before the concert that night. Hunter could see Sebastian processing everything that had happened, things were so much more different now. Sebastian wasn't a complete snob, but he had a lot of anger residing from that fight with Oliver. Hunter had to be careful about where he allowed Sebastian to let his anger out. The solos that the Warblers had told them they could do were almost finished. "Bassy, let's go to work on our solos and our duet," Hunter said, trying to get Sebastian to take his mind off things.

Sebastian looked at him. "All right."

Sebastian had two alone songs, both by Dua Lipa; 'Levitating' and 'Physical'. Then he had the duet with Santana for 'La Isla Bonita'. Everyone else had insisted on them doing 'Smooth Criminal' again. But they knew that song, so they were good. Hunter was doing 'Jealous' by Nick Jonas and 'There's Nothing Holding Me Back' by Shawn Mendes. Hunter and Sebastian were doing a duet to 'Dark Side' by Kelly Clarkson. Blaine had told them too as it suited their love the best, and he did not want to have to sing an 'impromptu' song again.

The Warblers had also agreed to dance with them, which was excellent.

Santana walked over to the two of them. "Hey, lovebirds," Santana said, her voice sounding happy. "Sebastian, can you come and run through 'La Isla Bonita' with me? Our MJ is still fresh, so we're good." Sebastian nodded absentmindedly and kissed Hunter on the cheek.

"Let's go, Satan," He said. They walked away and started on the choreography, and eventually, they were singing. The chemistry between Sebastian and Santana was perfect, you never knew what they were going to do.

Hunter went over to them and suggested that they'd practiced enough, that they would be even more endearing if they just went with their guts. Sebastian gave a quick scoff and then looked at Santana. They agreed and Sebastian went over to Jeff and Nick to work on his solos. Santana stared at Hunter, hard. Hunter noticed. "What is it, Lopez?" He said, snarkily.

She just looked at him before sighing. "I don't know, but something about you is off. I know that you're already a psycho. But you be careful with Sebastian, Hunter, or I will find you and go all Lima Heights." She gave him a death look. Now, it wasn't as good as Sebastian's glare that could turn the most terrible person to putty, but it still sent cold shivers up Hunter's spine. "You were too controlling last time, and that basically turned Sebastian and Barry into a monster."She continued to glare at him, though it seemed to get scarier.

Hunter remembered that. The drugs had made Sebastian present so much and he was more terrible, but the drugs themselves altered Hunter already, so when the two collided it was like an atomic bomb. The Warblers trembled when the two entered a room. Hunter noticed that when there was a safe moment that Sebastian was apologizing for something he'd done, but the Warblers didn't think it was really him.

Hunter shook himself out of his trance. "I'll try, but I think you'll have to dig me up first because Oliver Queen or Sebastian would kill me. That's if I screw up, of course." He added.

She nodded thoughtfully. "I'll send Blaine and Kurt over. They're are almost done with some solos. See you later, Clarington." Santana turned around and stalked away. Hunter turned to see Sebastian was looking very cold, but then he motioned Hunter over. That meant it was time to work on his solos. So he did.

It was the night of the concert. Oliver was ready with the team. Sebastian hadn't visited or talked to them at all. In the team's opinion that meant something bad was happening. They'd seen Sebastian in the Time Vault though. He had been talking to Gideon and then the feed had been cut. That was definitely a sign something was happening.


Sebastian smiled as he was putting on the Warbler outfit. The traditional blue, black, and red, but it had been upped to a collared shirt and skinny black jeans with dress shoes. The tie was still there, of course. He combed his hair in his signature style and gave that condescending smirk.

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