Why? Natasha x reader

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You were on a mission, with Nat(your girlfriend) Bruce, Tony, and Cap.

You were on a mission, with Nat(your girlfriend) Bruce, Tony, and Cap

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You were bruce's little sister. He fell for her. As you were walking towards the quinjet you cam in, you saw Him and Nat kissing, it broke you heart, cap saw this and Got another Quinjet out there so you didnt have to deal with them, Clint. You couldnt bear the thougjt of seeing them together every morning, him being the ine she sunggled up with at night. So you called your friend Scott Summershe talked with fhe Professor. Then Nick Fury called you and told you to pack and move, that you were being transferred to the X-Men, you were happy.

1 month into you being gone

"Its boring wothout Y/N here!" Clint whined.
Nat only nodded in agreement and so did Bruce.

Two years into you beimg gone

Natasha realized she didnt love Bruce, but she loved you, and so she asked fury why she left, and all he did was give her a folder you had told him to gove anyone who asked.


Natasha has found out where the mansion was and knocked on the door, hoping, praying you were there.
Instead, a girl with red haor opened the door.
"Who are you?" Jean asked
You were takkong with Logan and Scott on the couch when you heard a familiar voice speak.
" I-is Y/n Banner here by any chance?"
You imedetly rose from your seat and went to the door, letting kean know youd be outside, but before you could speak you were engulfed in Nat's embrace. You just hugged back. There was a comfortable silence for a good 5 or ten minites until she pulled back and you saw that she had been crying. Without her havong to say anything you gaveher a kiss on the forhead.
"I understand"

This ended oth you two as a couple again, Bruce was happy for yall,and all was good.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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