The Angel Part two

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It had been a good two months since you two had decided to lelove at the x-mansion. Things were going well, considering your adoptive parents couldnt care less about you leaveing, you also found outnwho your real dad was and all that drama! YAY!

You had fallen. HARD. You didmt know how to act around him anymore. It had been a month since you figuered out you liked him, and you didnt know what to do.

*two months later*

You were walking through the hallways  talking with Rouge (idc if its out of order) whem peter suddenly came up to yall and asked of he "could borrow you" to which you and Rouge said yes, he led yall to the courtyard, that wau there wouldnt be to many people.

"You ok Peter? You look nervo-
Before you could fonish you were cut off by a lair of lips on yours. You wasted no time in dropping you stiff and wrapping youe arms around his neck and kissing back.

*Two hours later*

He had taken you oit to a place wjere he went to relax, and you honestly couldn't blame him, it was beautiful

He had taken you oit to a place wjere he went to relax, and you honestly couldn't blame him, it was beautiful

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But you had fallen asleep.

And of course when he walked in carrying you(like in the pic below) everyone had questions, even logan. Your dad wasnt very fomd of this idea at first but bacame used to it.

(Lemme know if you want a part three♥️🏳️‍🌈  i am oit for the night(possibly) :b

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(Lemme know if you want a part three♥️🏳️‍🌈  i am oit for the night(possibly) :b

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