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Chapter 27: Ascension

Four Diagon Residents Under Investigation, Facing Murder Charges for Death of Diagon Community Leader Tom Riddle

Diagon is rocked to its core this evening as news continues to spread regarding the passing of Death Eater President and community activist Tom Riddle, who was shot and killed this morning; sources say Diagon police are currently without answers as to which of the four witnesses present were responsible for Riddle's death. Investigation continues as sources close to the four suspects are called in for questioning in what is easily the most puzzling case of violence the town of Diagon has seen for nearly three decades.

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[Camera opens on a small interrogation room inside the Diagon Police Department. Prosecutor Arthur Weasley settles the camera and then takes a seat on camera right, further from the door, across from a single vacant chair on camera left. What proceeds are the interviews of each of the individual witnesses brought in for questioning regarding the events and relationships preceding the death of Tom Marvolo Riddle, intercut in summation.]

Arthur: "Please state your name for the record."

Dean: "Dr Dean Thomas."

Horace: "Chief Horace Slughorn, DPD."

Gilderoy: "Gilderoy Lockhart, five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award."

Fleur: "Fleur Delacour."

Padma: "Dr Padma Patil."

Darian: "Darian Mulciber."

Viktor: "Viktor Krum."

Cedric: "Cedric Diggory."

Daphne: "Daphne Greengrass."

Ron: "Officer Ronald Weasley, DPD."

Griphook: "Griphook." [Arthur: "That's not- "] "Griphook. Like Cher, or Jesus." [Arthur: "Again, I woul-"] "Write it down."

Thorfinn: "Thorfinn Rowle."

Arthur: "What is your relationship to the Death Eaters motorcycle club?"

Griphook: "Strictly business." [Clears throat] "And that's all I'd like to say on the matter at this time."

Ron: "Well, speaking on behalf of the Diagon Police Department, I'd s- " [Arthur: "Your personal relationship, please."] "Oh. Well. It's not great. Personally I don't trust them as far as I can throw them, which isn't even as far as I'd like to admit."

Daphne: "My father was one, but I've distanced myself from the club since his death. I'm still friends with some of them, but I don't consider myself to be part of that ... lifestyle." [Arthur: "What do you mean by 'lifestyle'?"] "It's complicated. I think being in the club can be unhealthy, and I wouldn't personally choose to be part of it. That being said, my father loved the club, and I think I can understand, objectively, why that would be."

Fleur: "The Death Eaters? I'm fucking one of them. No, wait - " [She sighs.] "I'm in love with one of them. But that's it."

Horace: "The club is one of the pillars of the community, and has been for decades. I like to think the Diagon PD and the Death Eaters have always been allies where it comes to the town's best interests." [Arthur: "And outside of that? Are you ever not allies?"] "Well, obviously the police department is a separate entity. The town always comes first, and there are definitely some bad apples in the batch where it comes to the Death Eaters, but in general I would characterize our relationship as positive." [He grimaces] "Wary, but certainly positive."

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