~{Hearts Warming Ball Pt.1}~

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Snow fell outside the castle to quietly rest on the grass and paved walkways. Few ponies walked the streets of Canter lot as they were snuggled up inside with loved ones. Hearts warming was only tomorrow, and the castle was full of life. Chefs were cooking in the kitchen the feast for the upcoming event while the staff cleaned every stain glass window and wiped every table. The Hearts Warming gala was only a few hours away. Ever since Twilight became ruler, she decided to have a gala every Hearts Warming eve for every pony to attend. “Is this too much?” Stargleam would be looking in her vanity mirror at herself as Solar did her mane. Stargleam was dressed in a winter blue dress that had a long train at the back which faded into glitter to match snow. Her mane was put into a braided side bun that held a snowflake hair pin. She had a diamond necklace around her neck that sparkled in the light. “You look amazing Starry! Must keep up appearance, right?” Solar would tease as she finished one last curl and stepped back to look. Stargleam was shy about how much she dressed up, but she enjoyed dresses but not in front of thousands of ponies. “Right...You look pretty as well” Stargleam would comment at Solars shorter dress that was black with white jewels to accent it while her mane was curled with some pined back into a silver pine tree pin. “Come on mares! Guests are starting to arrive” Their mother Twilight would call from outside the door. Solar would excitedly trot out of the door but Stargleam stayed Infront of the mirror to look at herself once more. She used a hoof to put a curl that hung at the side of her face away. ‘Here we go’ She would think before leaving the room to stand with her family. She would peak around the corner of the hall into the main room to see a crowd of ponies dressed to their best. She would swallow hard before lifting her head high and trotted to the second level of stairs where her mother, father, and sister stood. She would bow her head to each pony that came up for her mother to greet. Stargleam would glance around the ball room that sung with lost conversations and festive music. The room was decorated with snowflakes that would fall from the ceiling but would disappear before reaching even the stair level which stargleam thought was a nice touch. The whole room was decorated to look like a winter wonderland, but nothing caught her eye until looking into the crowd she saw a familiar sky-blue Pegasus with an ocean blue mane. ‘River Breeze! But how do I get away?’ she would think. “Your majesty! You look as lovely as ever” A light blue unicorn mare with turquise and white hair would bow. “Now Lyra you don’t need to do all of that” Twilight would chuckle. While her family was distracted, she would teleport away using her magic. She would teleport to a less crowded area of the dance floor and looked around for River Breeze. “Stargleam?” Stargleam would jump a little before turning to see River Breeze standing there. River Breeze was dressed in a white suit that had a snowflake with a light blue flower pinned on her jacket. “It's nice to see you here Breezy” Star would blush slightly at how beautiful she thought River Breeze looked. “I wanted to spend time with you but apparently we got to dress up, so I had Rarity whip me up something” River would use her wing to point out her snowflake with a flower “Looks like she set us up to match” River would chuckle.Stargleam would giggle until the lights turned low and a slow holiday song began to play, and ponies began to dance. “Oh, I guess its pre hour before everything starts” Star would continue to look around and then notice River had a hoof extended towards her. “Would you like to dance with me till then?” River would smile sweetly which made Star gleam blush as she took her hoof. River would stand on her back hooves as she held Star in her arms gently as if she could break any second. Stargleam would only be enchanted by the moment and opportunity to be in Rivers arms that she didn’t notice they weren’t even on the ground anymore. Stargleam would glance at the floor before noticing she wasn’t on the floor anymore and gasp as she held onto River tightly. “I don’t plan on dropping you Starry” River would rest her muzzle on Stargleams neck which made her shiver. Star would lighten her grip and hug River as the song played out and it was only till then did, she notice that other pegasi were in the air dancing so they weren't alone up there. The song shortly ends but river would not lower down like the rest which caught a few pony's attention. Star did not like the attention and whispered to River “Are we going back down?” Star would cover her face with a hoof from all the ponies. “I guess we should” River would sigh before kissing Stargleams neck then gently let them down. Stargleam was now beet red as River pulled away from her “Pfft you look like a tomato” She would try to contain her burst of laughing. Stargleam would lightly hit river in the chest “Shhhh! I wasn’t expecting that!”. River would catch Stars hoof and held it to her chest “Did I embarrass you? I'm sorry if I did, I was just caught up...in the moment”. Stargleam would look shocked still beet red “It was a little embarrassing but nothing I couldn’t handle.” She would giggle. River would think how pretty stars face was at that moment and as the next slow song began River would use her wing to lead Stargleam out of the crowd of ponies and to a corner of the room. “Phew glad to get out of that mob...i couldn’t even breath without sparkles in my fa-” Stargleam would be cut off by River kissing her gently. Stargleam would be confused then close her eyes kissing her back as River used her wings to bring Stars arms around her neck. After an hour the real party was about to begin.

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