Baby Dram: chapter 1

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I slammed the door behind me once my audition was over. I could tell by how them people were looking at me that they questioned themselves for even considering me for this part. "FUCK' I whispered to myself searching for the nearest bathroom with a door that could lock. As soon as I heard a door open and someone yelling, "Yo! Damn, what's his name?" His voice was raspy and a little deep. I heard some other kid answer him.

"I think it's Cam." I squinted my eyes trying to remember if I recall someone in the group named Cam.

"Hey! Cam!"

I turned around hearing that he was now closer. It was one of the other guys who got called back for the 'Ezekiel Figueroa' part. I didn't see anyone else react to the name, so I figured he might be referring to me. I pointed at myself. "Me?"

"Yeah, Cam, right?"


"Oh, sorry. Kem, I'm Tony. Anyway, I'm glad I caught you before you left. I just had to let you know that you killed it."

Kem shook his head in disbelief, "Nah, you definitely getting that part. You don't gotta say that." Kem lowered his head looking past Tony.

"Yeah, I'm good... but you're good too. Maybe even better, no lie."

"Why should I believe you? You're an actor. You're probably acting right now." He squinted his eyes at the taller to see if he could spot a lie.

Tony only laughed and looked him over. "Wait, why haven't I seen you around before?"

"Im not from here. And I'm new to all this."

"So you've never tried acting?" Kem shook his head no. "Oh, have you've never performed on stage or anything? Took classes or something?

"Nah, it's really my first time trying anything like this."

"So why now?"

Kem cleared his throat and looked at his reflection in the dirty bathroom mirror. "I made someone a promise."

Tony's hands balled and unballed, but he kept his eyes on Kem. "Well, you're a natural. Don't let this be the last time I see you around here, okay?"

Kem nodded his head feeling a little more seen than he had moments before this conversation.  Tony formed his mouth into a tight lipped smile accompanied by a half nod and turned to open the door. Having only cracked it a bit, he turned his head back towards Kem. "Actually..." he started thinking, "what are you doing tonight? I wanna introduce you to some people."

"I'm gonna be heading home. Departure is in t minus 3 hours."

"You think you could delay until tomorrow maybe? There's this mixer... lots of folks our age are gonna be there, some producers, directors, writers... networking is really how you get in. Auditions are like only two percent effective but most newbies don't know that. Not saying that you're a n-" Kem cut him off before he started to ramble on.

"Between you and me, I spent all I had on this damn ticket. So...If I don't catch this train, I'm stranded." He shrugged his shoulder prompting Tony to retreat back into the bathroom with his hands up emphasizing his words.

"Look, you know me now. I got you. Just hang out for a minute and I'll make sure you can get back home, aight?" Tony said sternly before walking out of the bathroom, leaving Kem with a decision between trusting a total stranger and following his predetermined plan of giving up.

I walked out of the bathroom after ten long minutes of beating myself up and exited the building. As soon as my foot left the landing, I heard a voice clear as day say, "wait." It was a loud and frantic screeching sound, but definitely a voice... an oddly familiar one. I looked around to see if anyone was talking or if anyone was even there at all. I wiped the outer corner of my eye with my middle knuckle before putting my hands on my hips. Okay.. okay soooo. I though to myself trying to decide if I was going crazy or if this was a sign to listen to that dude who stole my part. I let out another long breath before deciding that I was just going crazy... if I don't start walking now, I'm going to miss the train.

"Cam. I mean, Kem. I been looking all over for you, bro. I wanna introduce you to my manager. Payne, this is the guy I was telling you about." I turned around to see ol boy and a taller darker skinned man. Tony nodded towards me saying, telling me to introduce myself.

I removed my hand from my pocket and put it out for the manager to shake while preparing my most professional voice I could muster up.

"I am Kem Kilmore, it's nice to meet you sir."

"Nice to meet you, Mr.Kilmore. My name is Parris Payne. I've heard only good things about you. It is my understanding that you're just starting out?" He looked me in the eye when he spoke. I nodded and what started as a brief greeting became a fifteen minute discussion about acting classes and mixers and auditions that included an invitation to audition for an already cast upcoming film he thought i'd be perfect for. I just looked at the man because he hadn't seen me act and he didn't ask me for a monologue like the other guys did. He just went off of one conversation and Tony's recommendation.

"Are you going to be in town next week?" the manager asked me.

I looked over to Tony who was grinning wildly and shaking his head for me to say yes.

"Yes sir."

"Alright then, I'd like to see you bright and early Monday morning at my office and we will get you all the information you need. Here's my card. It has my phone number and the address to my office as well as my email."

"Thank you sir." I shook his hand once more and he and Tony turned to walk back into the building. "Stay right here, I'll be right back!" Tony yelled behind him. But, once again, I was tempted to make a break for the nearest route to the train station. The idea of another casting director turning me down made my stomach turn reminding me that I hadn't eaten since I boarded the train last night. Tony came running out of the building literally seconds later with is belongings. He took my arm in his guiding me to his car. I scrunched my face at him once we got there.


"You know, you're kind of weird."  Just like before, Tony only laughed and told him to get into the car.


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