He Just Couldn't Help Himself - Phan (with a little KicktheStickz as well)

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          “I can’t believe PJ and Chris talked us into going to a gay bar,” Phil said to Dan.

          Dan grunted, deep in thought. He knew PJ and Chris were a couple. Everyone knew, even the fans. They came out with their relationship a few weeks ago.

          Ever since then, Dan had realised something.  He was in love with Phil. Like, really properly in love with Phil. His best friend. Earlier today, when Chris had suggested they go to a gay bar, Dan had panicked because he thought Chris had figured it out.  But then PJ nodded and added, “Just to see what it’s like.”

          Dan had laughed and said, “Why not?” He didn’t want to draw attention to the fact that he was rather nervous.

          Phil had been a little reluctant to come along, but after much convincing from the other three he finally caved in and agreed.

          So here they were, the four of them, walking to a gay bar.

          PJ and Chris led the way, a few steps in front of Phil and Dan, who brought up the rear.

          Before they reached the entrance, PJ and Chris turned around.

          “We should pick someone to be the designated driver,” PJ said.

          Chris nodded. “Just in case we get drunk and someone tries to take advantage of us,” he smiled naughtily, elbowing PJ in the ribs.

          PJ’s face reddened slightly.

          Phil intervened quickly to save PJ any further embarrassment. “I’ll be the designated driver.”

          It made sense: Phil didn’t like to drink often.

          And with that, they made their way in.

          They stood together, looking nervously about at everyone, but nobody was paying them any attention. All the other patrons were talking, drinking, snogging, playing poker or … other things.

          “So,” Chris said, breaking the silence between the four of them. He pointed to an empty table in the corner. “Shall we sit there?”

          “Sure,” said Dan.

          They all made their way to a relatively quiet part of the bar and sat down. PJ and Chris were sat beside each other in the corner and Phil and Dan were across from them. They sat there, in what must have been the most awkward silence the four of them had ever encountered together.

          “So…” PJ said. “Shall I go get drinks?”

          Chris and Dan nodded in agreement. 

          “Sure,” said Phil. “But I’ll just have water.”

          PJ nodded and stood up. He walked to the bar and returned a few minutes later with a tray of drinks. He sat it down and they all picked up their glasses.

          Phil sipped his water happily.  Dan smiled at him, but Phil remained oblivious.

          Dan loved the way Phil would always smile at the smallest things.  To be honest, Dan loved everything about Phil. The only problem was telling him about it.

          PJ and Chris glanced at each other. Slowly, making sure Dan and Phil weren’t looking, they leaned in, their lips getting moist with the anticipation of the kiss…

He Just Couldn't Help Himself - Phan (with a little KicktheStickz as well)Where stories live. Discover now