Akaashi's Pov

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I was playing Beethovens Moonlight Sonata~ A Nocturne on my piano in the vast living room of my home when I heard it. A crash like glass shattering on the concrete sidewalk. Which annoyingly interrupted my concentration after I had just gotten my nerves to calm down. My hands began to tremble almost immediately and I grudgingly got up to look through the blinds of my window. The window was freezing cold when I put my hand to it and the darkness of the night covered everything like a sheet of paper. The only thing bright enough to scare away the night was a big truck parked in the driveway of the house next to mine. It had been vacant for a year now so it was no surprise that there were new neighbors carrying boxes inside what used to be a ghost home. Uninterested I closed the blinds and sat back on the seat posing to play again. Smash! "Bokuto quit dropping the boxes!!" I looked out the window once more somewhat curious but still irritated from the interruption. I squinted my eyes to look into the yard spotting three men with features barely distinguishable. Two of the boys were carrying boxes and the other one was picking up shards of glass from the ground.

"MOST OF THIS IS NOONA'S ANYWAY!!" The boy on the ground yelled.

The other boy who was noticeably taller then the other two, whacked the back of his head.

"Stop yelling it's late at night people have work tomorrow!"

He shouted not being any less quiet then the boy he was yelling at. The smaller boy shook his head and walked inside the house then came back out and looked around them like he was taking in the neighborhood though there wasn't much to see in the dark. The he pointed to my house. I couldn't hear what he had said but as soon as he finished speaking the other two looked at my house as well and I ducked behind the curtains of my window for fear they saw me peeping. Though to be fair they were the ones being loud in the first place and Mr. Daichi and his husband were probably watching them too. I waited a few minutes before looking outside again. The boys were gone along with the moving truck and it was quiet. I looked at the house next door and saw that it looked vacant like it had so many nights before except for two big golden owl-like eyes that stared at me from behind the dark window of his house. Surprised I yanked the blinds down in a hurry and closed the curtains. What a creep. I thought to myself feeling uneasy as if the eyes could see through my house and were looking at me at that very moment. Feeling silly I brushed away that thought and sat back on the leather bench. Akaashi played through the night thinking of only one thing. Those warm golden eyes.

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