Is love a lie?

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I could still remember the first day that I walked into the coffee shop on Main Street. I was having the worst day of my life and everything seemed as if it were going wrong. It all started with a fight I had with my mom only to progress showing up to work and getting fired. All I needed right now was a cup of coffee and a place to clear my head. I walked up to the counter and there he was to make things right again. Only I didn't know it yet. I ordered my coffee as usual expecting worse to come, but that's when I noticed the small, sloppy handwriting on the side of my cup, 'I'm going on break if you want to talk.' It's almost as if he knew I needed him.

I slowly made my way back to the front door peering outside and seeing him standing there with a sweet smile as he gestured me over to him. I smoothly walked over to him while doing everything in my power not to embarrass myself. "I'm not someone who is used to getting attention from people like you." I said nervously. "People like who?" he replied. "You know like uh-" I fumbled, struggling to the find the words.

He laughed it off, bumping my shoulder playfully "I know what you mean, and I could say the same about you." I felt my face heat up as he said that, and I turned away. Concealing the blush that had come across my cheeks. We got to talking a bit more and I had mentioned my bad day so that's when he purposed the idea of taking me somewhere. I hesitantly agreed, feeling nervous, but safe because for some strange reason I trusted him.

The ride was short and quiet, but a comfortable quiet. He pulled his car into a long narrow driveway that lead to a grand abandoned mansion.

He turned to look at me, smirking as he said, "I know this isn't an ideal first date spot." I stared in awe, "this is perfect."

We spent the whole day exploring the mansions corridors and rooms. The thoughts of how horrid my morning was were now replaced with laughter. Once it had hit dusk, we made our way back to his car. Pulling up to my apartment, I turned to look at him, "thank you for tonight." I smiled as he stared at me while saying, "I hope we could do this again sometime."

~1 year later~

I rolled over, turning to be met with Alec's blue eyes staring back into mine. "Today's a special day." He said as he pushed my strawberry blonde hair out of my face, "and why is that?" I asked. "You will find out tonight when you meet me in our spot." He kissed my forehead gently, getting up. "I have to go get everything ready for tonight, just meet me in that corridor near the room you always wanted to go into. I finally found a way to get in.

~That night~

I waited impatiently peering out the double pane window. My hot breath fogged the glass as it clashed with the cool air. The corridor was dark and all I could hear was a faint whisper lingering in the swift, cold autumn air. I could have sworn this is where Alec had told me to meet him but, something felt off. He had told me he had a surprise for me and to wait until it was so dark that the streetlights flickered on. I shivered a bit as I waited a little longer while slipping my black oversized hoodie over my head. That's when I saw the dark shadow of a tall man come from around the corner.

"I'm glad you could make it," he said, hugging me. Then Alec looked into my eyes as that same sweet smile appeared upon his face. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." I replied. He grabbed my hand, gently pulling me down the corridor. He bent down, picking up the carpet to reveal a small door that I had never noticed before. Opening the door, it revealed a crawlspace filled with cobwebs. He went through first beckoning me after him and leading me all the way through to a garden room.

The sky was breathtaking through the small paned window. The stars danced through the sky and they shone through the window, lighting the entire room. There were all kinds of flowers such as Peonies, Lillies, Daises, Daffodils and elegant white roses along with royal blue ones. Alec then brought my hand up to his mouth as he kissed it softly, letting his auburn hair fall gently across his forehead. He was everybody's definition of perfect, but I was lucky enough to call him mine. "I told you it would be a beautiful night here and I knew you would love it! It's almost like our first date." My face went completely red as I watched him then walk across to the other side of the room. "You have a tendency to always be right, I'll give you that." He chuckled as I said that.

I thought to myself that this night couldn't get more perfect. That was when Alec had gestured me to come across the room besides him. I quickly scurried across and he took me into his arms, wrapping them around me and holding me. Closely to him. It was at that exact moment when I closed my eyes expecting to feel his lips upon mine, but instead all I felt was a sharp pain near my abdomen. It felt worse as he continued to stab the knife deeper inside of me. Repeatedly stabbing me. The blood pouring down as I fell to the floor. How could the man I thought loved me do this?

As I'm lying on the ground of this beautiful room, looking up at the ceiling he looked down at me. Then gave me that perfect smile and whispered "sorry." After that he left, locking the door behind him while my blood filled the cracks in the floorboards. As I laid there taking deep, shallow breaths I noticed I wasn't the only one. Out of the corner of my eye I caught glimpse of a decayed body. A tear drop raced down my cheek, staining my shirt just as the blood had. Little did I know the person who started my life again would be the one to end it.

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