Chapter 1

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Jules POV
Have you ever wonder when or if you will ever find that someone special. Well me too. Hi I'm Jules Leblanc. I'm 18 and thriving. I work as a model and live in my apartment alone.

I walk into the kitchen to the pile of letters. Hmm curious. This old fashion looking envelope is sitting on top. I take it and open it. I read it. "Blah blah blah...we invite you along with nine others to live in a mansion for a year. Here you get opportunity to blah blah."

Hmm sounds fun. So let me get this right it ain't a tv show it's just fun. Hmm why not. Better go pack. I go in and pack all my bags I have a lot whoops.

I load them into my car and pin in the address to the house. I pull out off the drive way. The wind is blowing in my hear as I sing along with radio. "SO I PUT MY HAND UP IM SINGING MY SONG THE BUTTERFLYS FLY AWAY NODDING MY HEAD LIKE YEA MOVING MY HIPS LIKE YEA YEAAAAAAAAEAAA ITS A PARTY IN THE USA"

"You have arrived at your destination" the sat-nave says as I pull to the house. Wow. It's beautiful. It's massive. It's just woah.
The house:

I walk in and I'm lead to my room

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I walk in and I'm lead to my room. It's empty, no furniture at all. It's big. It has an an-suite and walk in wardrobe connected and a balcony. On a small table sits a bank card.

I lift it and the note up. "Here on this card you will be given money each week. Take this and go decorate your room and deck out your closet." Hmm this sound fun. I wonder when the rest will come.

It's been like an hour so I go down and she everyone there. "Hi...I'm Jules" I say as I wave. "Hi! I'm Jayden. That's Kenzie, Bella and Lexi. And then that's Hayden, Johnny, Carson, Caden and Rush" they all wave as she says their names.

"So do yous want to go shopping?" I say looking at the girls. "Is that even question. Yesss!" Kenzie says. I giggle as we leave. We all take our own cars and meet at IKEA.

"Do yous know what type of room yous want?" I ask as I push the trolly. "Yeppp. But I wonder what the boys are doing" Lexi replies. I laugh. "They seem quiet. I bet they will buy a play station or something" we all laugh.

After a long day of shopping I got everything for my room. As I pull up to the house I start to unload my car. I carry everything up the stairs. Don't know how but I did it was like a full on workout. Now I have to build it and decorate.
The room:

After a good while I have finally got it done

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After a good while I have finally got it done. I'll tackle the wardrobe and bathroom tomorrow. I walk downstairs and everyone is in the kitchen. "Are yous hungry?" I ask as I walk in. "Yea I'm starved" the boy brown curly hair says. I think that was Hayden.

"Well I'll cook. Umm is that ok?" They all agree. I start to cook. After I'm done I put it down for every one on the table and call them down. They rush in and sit and eat. "Woah this is really good Jules" I smile as they eat. "Thanks it a family recipe."

Once we all finished we go into the sitting room and sit down. "We should play truth or dare" Bella says. "Yea let's make it juicy tho" Carson pipes in. "Ok I'm down". I'm sat beside Hayden and Jayden.

"Ok I'll go first ummm Jules, Truth or Dare?" Caden says. "Umm, truth" I say. "Ok ummm when was your last relationship" he replies. "Oh that's a good one" rush chirps in. "Umm well I just got out off a long distance relationship about three months ago" I say.

"Ok my turn ummm, Rush, truth or dare?" Í smirk. "Ummm, truth?" He says awkwardly. "Who do you think is going to be the biggest fuck boy out of yous?" All the girls laugh as I finish my question. "Honestly, I think Hayden. Sorry dude" he puts his hand up in surrender.

"It's ok dude" Hayden says not really caring. "Ok my turn, ummm Bella, truth or dare?" He asks. "Dare obvi I'm not scared like yous" she says all cocky. "I dare you to kiss the guy you think you'll hook up with" every one ooooo's.

She stands up and walks over to Hayden she gives him a peck on the lips and flicks her hair as she walks away. Hayden bites his lip as she walks away. "Aight ima use the bathroom don't do anything to bad before I get back" I say as I laugh.

As I walk back everyone has gone a load of times. "AND SHEESS BACKKK!!" Connor says as we all laugh. "Ok truth or dare?" Johnny says. "Umm, dare" the girls cheer me on. "Ok I dare you to take the boy who caught your eye the most up to your room for ten minutes." I roll my eyes.

"Ok, let's go Hayden." I say as I get up and lead him to my room. As we walk in he takes it all in. "You sing?" He says pointing to my keyboard. "Yea I write songs too. What about you what do you like?" I ask as I sit down. "Idk football". I giggle. "You know I was cheerleader in high school" we laugh. "So will you sing something for me?" He says to me. "Oh no. I don't like singing for others." I say as I look at him.

"Not even for me?" I laugh "not even for you Summerall" I say. "Summerall?" I nod "mhm your nickname." I say as I look at him. "Alright then love" I laugh when he calls me love. "Oh why thank you sir" we laugh again.

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