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Kyla wasn't sure how she got there, she just knew she was there.

Wherever 'there' was.

It was dusty, that was what she knew for sure. It looked like a library, there were bookshelves stacked up to the ceiling, dust settled on everything. It all looked ancient, kind of like her house except a lot dirtier, and if anything, bigger.

The nine year-old girl walked around, not in control of her own body, she was just watching, unable to do anything but do so. It was her, she was sure of that.

She could see her long, silky raven hair jumping up and down with each step she took, and her dark blue eyes, rare for a Black, and her silvery pale skin. Her dark pink lips were just visible through the moonlight gleaming through the dusty, antique windows. That was when she crashed into a boy.

The boy had irregularly colored eyes that had a main color of cobalt, with streaks of lighter blues, grey, and gold.  He was fairly skinny, however it wasn't due to starvation, as he had healthy tanned skin.  But his short-cropped raven hair almost made Kyla want to laugh.  They both had the same colored hair.

But the strangest thing was that the two seemed to know each other - their dream selves, anyways - as the two just nodded in greeting and silently continued through the library.  That was when the two took a turn down a dark, dusty hall, stopping just behind a door, and they put their ears to it.

No, no, no! she silently begged herself to stop, eavesdropping was bad.  It got you in trouble.

"-Are you sure you've figured it out?" an old male voice said skeptically.

"Yes!" a younger voice seemed to squeak, the excitement in it was almost scary, "You just have to say this: Perdere, explodere, rid, campester, et confractus, hiatus, resonare, but three times, each in a different order."

"And everything will be gone?  Just like that?" the old man seemed to be double checking his sources.

"Yes!" the young voice said again.

But then, out of nowhere, the two lunged at each other, "Diffindo!" the older man said, just as the other went, "Avada Kedavra!" The two spells hit their targets, and then everything faded into black...

Kyla woke up with a gasp, trying to gulp in air as quickly as she could. She peeled her skin from her sheets, and rushed towards her bathroom.  As she ran, she heard her brother exclaim confused, "Whoa there, Ky!" in a concerned voice. But he had no clue what she just saw.

She just saw how everything could be gone with a flick of her wand. And two men kill each other with greedy looks on their faces. She just saw murder.

With tears rolling down her cheeks, Kyla turned on the sink and splashed her face, trying to rid it of the sweat and tears on her face, along with cooling down and getting her breath under control.

Who was the boy?  What did he look like again?  she couldn't remember, all that was there was his cobalt eyes, everything else was fogged up.  Was what they said true?  Or was it really just a dream?  she doubted it, but it was still a possibility.

A few minutes later, Kyla emerged from the bathroom, to face a concerned looking Sirius. "What happened!" he asked instantly.

Kyla hesitated, she could tell him what she saw, but she knew that would be a mistake, "Just a nightmare - sorry, I just don't get them all that often." Lie.

"Oh..." Sirius's face was still concerned, "You wanna talk about it?"

Yes, "No, thank you though," stay polite, keep the image up. Make your family proud.

Later that day, after breakfast, Kyla went straight to the library. She knew she couldn't let anyone know about her dream, and she also knew that people would do anything in their power to do so.  If they found out.

So she ran to the library and grabbed a dozen books, some about protection, others Occlumency, and some about seeing into the future or past, as she didn't know which she had seen. Dumping all her books on a table, Kyla opened a dusty book about seers, and began to read...


Calyx Travers was horrified, his nightmare had just ended, and he'd been in the bathroom for the past half-hour, trying to remember who had been there during the dream.   He could just remember her dark blue eyes.  Everything else was a blur, like it should be there and was, but not completely.  There was a piece of the puzzle missing.

But he had to get out of the bathroom eventually.  He had a reputation to uphold after all.

"Hey, Calyx," his older brother by two years looked at him with a grin on his face. "You were in there for a while."

Now he had to come up with a reason, "I got... sick," he made sure to look down like he was embarrassed, and to seem reluctant to share the information.

"Ooh!" Quirin shot him a mocking grin. "Mummy's boy got sick,"  yes, their mother liked Calyx  more than his older brother, but his father made up for that.  "What would father say about that?"

Calyx had dealt with this before, though.  This was hardly the first time, "What would he say about that, Quirin?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

But now Quirin was silent, with an annoyed look on his face. "You're no fun, Calyx," he spat.

"Where does fun get you in life?" he asked, then answered his own question, "In your case, Azkaban, in mine-" he shrugged, picking up a book "-that's yet to be determined."

But before Quirin could answer, Calyx was already out of the room.

(A/N - The Prologue was a little short, but it'll pick up speed as time goes on, also, I'm so sorry if anyone's offended because the Latin is wrong or something, I used Google Translate for itQuirin is Travers from the second Wizarding War, but I couldn't find his first name so I made my own.  I love any constructive criticism that comes my way =D)

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