To begin this crazy journey, I want to applaud every single Muslimah and Hijabi and to tell you that you're awesome. Yes you! You're amazing because you automatically represent islam when people see you, and you know what. That's freaking awesome. This also goes out to every Muslimah as well, not just hijabi's. I didn't forget you! The beauty in being Muslim lives inside all of us and that's all that matters. It's wonderful! I'm already getting tears of joy thinking about it. So give yourself a pat in the back sis for being so awesome.
Now that that's been said, the situations and moments described in the book are from experience and if you relate to any of them that's awesome! If not then listen closely sis because it's bound to happen to you sometime in your life.
Comment below if you have any experiences or awkward situations you want me to add and I'll be more than happy to do them for you!
Do this we shall! Sorry Yoda moment...*take two* Lets do this people!
Problems Every Muslimah Goes Through
SonstigesYou know that awkward moment when someone asks you if you're secretly bald? Or that moment when your male teacher tries to give you a handshake and you politely refuse but he still gets offended? Or that really awkward moment when people start to ta...