Chapter 1

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It seemed the world was just as it should be. Everything seemed to be in place. Nothing disturbed. Nothing touched. Not one thing wrong in this perfect little world you lived in.

It's crazy how your life can change just from just one person. From the first moment you met you knew there was something about him that was different. Not realizing it until now did you understand why he hid in the shadows.

Never did you ever think someone like him could fall for someone like yourself. Someone so ordinary so plain. He did though, in every way possible someone could love someone else. Just one look was all it took for you to fall into his arms.

One look that was all it took for you. One word that was all it took for him. Both of you were meant to be in each other's lives. No matter how different you were from each other. The fates have brought you two together and you weren't going to let anything tear that apart.

Your life had become a real life romance novel. Except yours was even better then the ones that were written in books. Yours was actually coming true, and you could make your story how you wanted it, and give it the ending you wanted.

Falling so hopelessly in love it made your head hurt. Never preparing for what was about to happen in your ordinary life. What you do know is that you're glad he came into your life. This is the story about how you met, Chris, the love of your life.

"Come on Y/N were gonna be late." You heard your mother shout from the outside standing by the car.

Standing in front of the mirror as you took one last look around my room. You were going to be leaving sunny beautiful Jacksonville, Florida for cold and wet London, England. You knew it was an extremely far place to travel. Your mom got an amazing job offer there, and wanted you to go with her.

It was just the two of you anyway. Your father died when you were very little. Not really having any memory of him, and you think that's part of the reason she wants to leave so badly. Too many painful memories for her here. Sometimes you think about him, and what my life would be like if he were here.

Your mother never remarried or anything. She went on a couple of dates, but that was about it for her. Never brought another man home, or introduced you to them. Maybe she was embarrassed or something. Either way you knew she was getting kind of lonely too, and everyone in our town knew each other.

Never really had any friends either. So it wasn't like you would be missing a lot of people. Maybe it would be the same in London.

"Y/N come on." Hearing your mom continue to honk the horn trying to get my attention.

"Coming." You shouted back at her as I grabbed one of my bags.

Lightly chuckling to yourself as you walked out the front door to see her already sitting in the drivers seat. Climbing into the passengers side buckling in as she pulled out of the driveway, and headed towards the airport.

It was going to be a really long flight so you brought along all of your favorite books to read. You were never one for technology either. Reading and writing were more of my kind of style. People always used to make fun of my cause I'd rather be reading a Jane Austin novel then going shopping.

I'm kind of awkward too. Always tripping, always falling. I was never really a coordinated person to begin with. Let's just say I was always the last person to be picked in gym class.

I was going to miss everything about Jacksonville. Even though it wasn't the best it was still my home. I was excited though to start this new adventure with my mom. Anything could happen here, and I just had a good feeling about this.

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