No more!

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A lot of people annoy me.
Like the ones who judge what they cant see.
The cuts on your legs,
The scars on your wrists,
The long-sleeve shirts in Summer.
Cutting away pain, rejection, and jealousy,
You cant help but think
Why do they hate me?
You told yourself not to,
But depression overtakes you.
And you hold the blade on your skin.
You cant remember what it was like before,
Before the first time you made the first cut, then more.
Your mom, doesn't know of the blade hidden away.
And you would like to keep it that way.
Your wrists hold the secrets which nobody knows.
The memories of pain and hurt never show.
You were on your computer when something popped up.
A video of Ashton Irwin telling you to stop.
In that moment you realized
Some people see through the lies.
Ashton said this
Then Danny Edge said that you aren't worthless.
The blade isn't your friend.
But Danny and Ashton are.
So lets make a promise not to add another scar.

A/N- I'm sorry to anyone who wants the video for Ashton saying it, but if you guys ask me, I can put the link to the video of 5SOS all stating inspiration about it.

Quotes and poems that I find on the internet, or make myself about self-harm.Where stories live. Discover now