I feel this way a lot.

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I'm longing for someone to notice,
I'm longing for someone to care,
To see the scars, and want to know more,
Wanting to know about my past,
And having the courage to ask about that,
I want to have friends whI want a family who doesn't judge me,
I'm longing for something that I can care for,
To live for,
And have to fight for,
Because if I have something else that depends on me,
Then maybe I can see what I can be,
I may not believe that I'm pretty,
Worth something,
Or perfect,
But I see things that are pretty, I think are pretty too,
I see the beauty in you,
Your big, bright eyes,
Your lovely smile,
And even your love for things not worth while,
Because maybe if I see the beauty in you,
Maybe one day, I'll see the beauty in me.

A/N- I have NO clue what the hell happened to the font on this one. If it shows up weird, I'm sorry.

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Quotes and poems that I find on the internet, or make myself about self-harm.Where stories live. Discover now