The MickyD's trip

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All six of the students got in the car and drove off. Iida and Salva were sitting in the front while the rest sat in the back.

Shouto sat in the middle.

Shinsou and Rin were fighting over the music while Salva and Iida complained about taking the wheel, and Kaminari and Shouto decided on the place to eat.

They decided on McDonlad's.

"Why the fuck are we going to McDonald's?" Shinsou started.

"Why not?" Shouto said.

"McDonald's is cool." Rin stated.

"Yeah!" Kaminari agreed. Shinsou pinched him.

"Don't agree with her in front of me."

"Rin really out here stealing people's bitches." Salva snickered. Shinsou kicked her seat and crossed his arms.

"She can't steal shit-"

"Says the person who got caught stealing dad's scarf-"

"Say something else and I'm telling mom you stole his hoodie."

"Shut up."


"We've arrived at the place guys." Iida announced.

Everyone got out the car and headed in. Kaminari got the privilege to ride on Shinsou's back, Salva and Rin held hands while Iida and Shouto just walked in.

Once they were in they walked to the front counter and waited.

"Is someone gonna order." Kaminari said. He clung to Shinsou's neck and wrapped his legs around his waist. Salva looked at Rin and Rin looked at Iida.

"What?" He asked.

"Order." She said.



"You haven't told me what you want and your orders are not mine so you can order yourselves." He stated. Rin walked up to him and playfully pushed him a bit.

"You know I dont like public speaking Iidaaaa."

"You're not public speaking..." He said.

"We're in public, I'm speaking-"

"Then why aren't you afraid?" Shinsou question.

"Was I talking to you?" She asked.

"You are now." He smirked.

"Shinsou shut up." Salva added.

"Stop defending her." He bit back.

"Don't tell her to 'Shut up'!" Rin frowned.


"Shinsou I will hurt you." Shouto said.

"Shinsou stop being mean." Kaminari jumped off of Shinsou's back and walked over to Rin.

"I can't be myself now? Cool-"

"Can you guys stop arguing and order?!" Iida shouted. Rin looked at him and looked away she went to order her food and sat down. The rest saw this happening.

"Someone's on her period-"

"SALVA I WILL KICK YOU!" Rin shouted.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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