1)Moving in troubles

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Aspen pov

I am driving through into the university. My heart is beating out my chest, I'm surprised I can even bloody drive my hands are so shaky. When I applied online, they gave me my block, where I would be given all of the information I needed about my major. Sports physiotherapy. I have always wanted to do something which involves helping others, but the sight of blood or vomiting just causes me to cry or panic. I don't really know why I do this; all I know is I can't stand it so instead I decided to look into therapy. I've always liked sports, I used to play lots with John, we'd stay out all day playing random games and me winning most of them. The Uk is very different to America though. Most sports in America aren't played in the United Kingdom or are similar with different names. For example, in the Uk we play football, in America it's soccer, we say rugby, Americans say football. Also, my favourite sport isn't played in America to my knowledge, most girls play volleyball, so I'm going to have to adapt to everything. Turning into the parking spot Infront of the building I begin to be fill with nerves, it's busy, much to my dismay. Every spot is full and I have to cram into one quickly as I don't know if I would find another. People around are with family members, helping them move in and do the whole sad, depressing speech before they leave. Me, I am alone, me, myself and I.

Taking a breather, I force myself to calm, remembering their calm words when I was panicked. After a few minutes I thought to myself, I can do this, this is fate, I may not believe in love as it doesn't even exists otherwise I wouldn't of been abandoned by my own shitty sperm and egg donors, I do believe we do things because fate leads us, it may sound proper cheesy, out of book but I do believe in happy endings, not love. Ya know it's funny the girl who reads romance books and novels on Wattpad daily doesn't believe in love. Not once have I tried to find the fuckers and I won't.I don't want to find the waste of space's.

Jesus, I really need to stop being in my feels and get out of my bloody car. The car is my baby, the most brand spanking new one's that everyone has now adays I have, it was Tabitha's and I bought it for her for safety but it gradually became mine as they travelled most of the time in John's car. It is a charcoal grey range rover Evoque. Fancy isn't it? Only difference is I don't drive like some basic queen bee bitch I did bring literally everything I own with me and that was probably one of the dumbest decisions in my entire life. I know for a fact that not everything will fit in the room as I have a roommate, as it is so expensive to live alone and I am not living in a house full of hoe's who are having constant hook ups, No thank you! I start to order things from importance, Things like my: old clothes that don't fit obviously don't need to go into my room so I shove them into the back of the car and end up with three boxes and two suitcases. They better have a fucking elevator or I will kill myself, I'm not joking. Suitcase number one had my clothes, products and hair stuff in, number two however was full of all my books, yes I have lots, yes I will definitely go shopping today as I have no idea where they are going to be placed, from the pictures the rooms are a good size, any who the boxes have photos, old teddy's, stationary and other miscellaneous objects, the smart Idea would be to leave them in the car but I kind need them. Thinking strategically, I go straight to the entrance to receive my key to the room. Lucky for me the crowd has disappeared and all is quiet. The girl behind the desk looks exhausted, dark circles swallowed her eyes.

I walk up to her but get intercepted on the way and end up flat on my arse, just my look, I hate being clumsy. Cursing under my breath and swallowing my almost non-existent pride, I look up and boy I wish I didn't. The most gorgeous guy stands looming over me, Broad stance probably around 6,3 to my petite height, brown hair, looking like it had just had a hand pulled through it. And his face! Oh, my baby Jesus! His sharp jaw, tanned skin and blue eyes just mesmerized me, he's wearing dark black jeans, a red football jersey. The stranger cleared their throat and that's when I realised, I had been staring at the Greek god in front of me for ages.

"Stop staring!" His voice was deep, it caused me to nearly shiver but I held it in. I've already embarrassed myself enough.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to- "I could even finish my sentence as the deep stranger spoke," I don't care you're the stupid Australian that bumped into me!"

That pissed me off, is this guy serious, I sound nothing like an assuie. Arsehole!

"I'm British you wanker, if you didn't realise, I didn't want to get in your way I just want to find my room and get organised, not bump into an egocentric, childish, man child like you!" Oh sugar muffins, I shouldn't of said that!

the stranger growled, I am such an idiot, I need to learn to shut my mouth.

tears start to form In my eyes...damn it. I shove my head down and get my key. Room 303, level 4. Now my mood is prissy, he ruined my day, I turn around to start to collect my things and he's still there, staring at me. His intense gaze is quite dramatic, I feel like he's staring into my soul.

"Why are you still here?" I ask my voice coming out not as prominent as I had hoped.

"Why? Because you intrigue me," one step," you seem closed off", another step," and "I want to know you, the whole you," the last part was whispered in my ear, a tingling sensation fills my stomach, causing an uncontrollable shiver to run down my spine. Why do I have to speak out loud and why does my body have to disobey me? Fuck


First chapter!

Can i have your honest opinions as i still have lots to improvements in my writing to make it the best!

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