Episode 7

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I stood completely rigid in a corner of the room. My fingers and hands felt numb
and tingled.

Y/N's inner vampire: "Does it take so little effort to completely upset you? How
pitiful ... but you still resist me. How long do I have to torture you until you surrender to me and finally understand who we really are? "

Her voice ... my voice ... echoed in my head again and again. The voice thundered in my head and drowned out my own thoughts.

Y/N's inner vampire: "We are not a cute girl that you put into frilly dresses and play with as if we were a doll! WE ARE A BLOOD THIRSTY ANIMAL THAT WILL EVEN BRING THE DEAD TO VAMPIRE! We are not just thirsty for the blood of Humans, but also for that of vampires and you will soon enjoy it too!"

Y/N: "Go away ..." *whimpers* "Go away! GO AWAY!"

Y/N's inner vampire: "Do you know why you always see me when you look in the mirror? ... Because I am the truth ... because I am the truth under your deceptive skin." *hisses like a snake*

I hit the wall hard with my back as I tumbled backward. A veil of bloody tears blurred my vision when I suddenly felt two ice-cold hands on my face.

Jimin: "Y/N ... Y/N listen to me! Don't listen to what she says. You are much stronger than she will ever be."

His voice sounded as if from far away. I could feel the itch of my blood red eyes, I tasted my own blood in my mouth because of my fangs that had pierced my gums. With all my strength I suppressed my inner vampires when I felt Jimin pull me into his arms.

Y/N's inner vampire: "You will not always have the strength to hold me back and if it happens one day, I will kill Jimin with our own hands. And you will be able to do nothing but watch."

I looked into Jimin's face. In this... angelic face.

Y/N: "No ... I won't let that happen."

I could feel my inner vampire getting weaker and slowly retreating inside me. Finally my eyes cleared again and only now did I notice that Jimin was rocking me in his arms and whispered soothingly in my ear all the time. Slowly, I sit up and looked at him with big bloodshot eyes. He gently brushed a strand of my hair from my face.

Jimin: "Did she withdraw?"

My hands had clung to his arms without me noticing. I just nodded silently.

Jimin: "You have to know that she is not a person of her own. Your inner vampire is just a split off of your personality. She is everything that you suppressed in yourself when you were still alive."

Y/N: "I can't remember my life ... I don't know who I was and ... who I am now"

Jimin looked at me sympathetically. I gently hid my face on his shoulder as he stroked my back soothingly.

Yoongi's P.O.V.

Jin and I had split up in the shoppin mall to get different things. The others had gone on to a secret place where we could replenish our blood supplies. The boys would be back in an hour and I had already got everything I needed. So I got the idea that I could look for a little gift for Y/N to cheer her up a bit.

When I walked past the various shops and looked into the shop windows, I saw
someone who seemed somehow familiar to me. I entered the shop curiously
and watched the person. The store sold various items of clothing with cartoons
printed on them.

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