Yoonmin Angry Fluff

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Yoonmin was currently at the school where your children attended sitting in the principal's office looking at your two little boys who had their  heads down

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Yoonmin was currently at the school where your children attended sitting in the principal's office looking at your two little boys who had their  heads down.

Principal Kim: Thank you for coming Mr and Mr Min Park....we hate to bother you two due to your busy Schedules.

Jimin: Its alright Mr.Kim...We will drop anything for our kids.

Yoongi: Agreed. Now what happened?

Principal Kim: We from what I'm understanding...Both of your boys beat up a bigger kid in a higher grade leaving him with a busted lip and a broken nose.

Jimin: Now we know our boys Mr.Kim

Yoongi: And we know that our Kids dont attack people unless that person hurt them in anyway.....So if it's alright then we would like to hear what happened from our kids.

Principal Kim: Of Course Sir.

Jimin: Min Doyun Park And Min Hayoon Park....Explain...Now!

Doyun: Big kid was being mean to Hayoon papa!

Hayoon: Called me Bad names and took my lunch that Daddy M/n packed me and Ate it!

Doyun: I shared my lunch with Hayoon And then the big kid took mine too and called me Very Bad Names with Very Bad words Papa!

Hayoon: Brother Started to Cry so I hit big kid and Teacher pulled me off but Brother hit big kid again making red juice come out his lip and Nose.

Yoongi: So what I'm hearing is....Our babies were being bullied and they defended each other.

Principal Kim: While that may be true Sir...We can not allow fighting in the building

Jimin: But you can allow a bigger kid to take our kids lunch that our husband packs for them every morning before he leaves for work and this same kid called my sons terrible names while probably using Curse words but when my kids stand up for each other they get in trouble....I'm confused Sir.

Yoongi: Look we don't need to hear anymore...Boys grab your things and dont forget anything....we are putting you in virtual School.

Principal Kim: Please think about this sirs....we only want the best for your kids.

Yoonmin: Don't Seem like it. *Gif*

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