Jimin Sad

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You cheated and jimin saw you and now you two we're talking about the next step in your marriage because Yoonmin still loved you

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You cheated and jimin saw you and now you two we're talking about the next step in your marriage because Yoonmin still loved you.

Jimin: I have to tell yoongi because he deserves to know what you did and honestly you should have told us that you didn't want us or that we weren't good enough for you and we would have let you go with the divorce papers.

M/n: it's not like that it's just that I barely see you two and it was a moment a weakness and I ask for forgiveness because I still love you two

Jimin: you could have told us instead of falling for your weakness because we could have talked about it but no you decided to Cheat and are you really asking for forgiveness because you got caught or because you're really sorry

M/n; I'm really sorry and if you want to divorce me then I completely understand but I just want to hear yoongi's side of the decision before we settle on a final verdict.

Jimin: fine if that's what you want but I'm still upset and heartbroken that I saw you with my own eyes and honestly it will take me 6 months to forgive you maybe even a year

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