My Girlfriend is the Cutest

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Amongst the jittery crowd, a student threw their hand into the air and waved at the teacher. The teacher thumped her foot against the ground with a sigh. She spoke
"Yeees Ashido, what do you need?" Ashido squealed and spoke excitedly
"Ms. Miruko do you have a boyfriend..... maybe even a husband. Even a potential prospect."
Miruko turned around toward the board and rested her head against it. She muttered under her breath
"I hate this class so much."
She turned back around and loudly exclaimed
"Off topic. I don't care what you think of my love life but I do care about how bad your grades make me look as a teacher. Soooo, we are do busy work today."
The class groaned and a boy cried about it being unfair in the back corner. Miruko passed the papers out and stood at the front
"Class get these done by the bell, I will be in the teachers lounge. Don't look for me."
As soon as she ended, she walked out of the room leaving her class slumped on their desks. The class, having gotten used to the former number 5 hero's teaching style, started to work on the worksheets.

Izuku Midoriya was having a bad day. The day started off with him waking to a cold bed and a freezing chill. Then he dropped his tea cup on his foot, tripped in the halls, and jammed his finger on his textbook. Now he finally had a break from all the troubles of this stupid day.
Izuku festered in his annoyance while sitting on the staff couch. His mood had been on the steady decline until someone bursted into the lounge.
The iconic white rabbit ears identified the fellow teacher. Izuku moved from sitting on the couch to laying across the couch. Once he moved, Miruko's legs gave way and she fell right on top of him. Izuku let out a grunt and wrapped his arms around her body. She let out soft breaths against his neck and flattened her ears.
Izuku couldn't stop the involuntary smile and softly spoke
"Hey Rumi." Rumi grunted in response, which elicited a soft chuckle. He continued
"I missed you this morning. My whole day was horrible without you."
Rumi smiled and whispered back
"Yeah, I know. I'm the only good thing you got in this worthless world." Izuku laughed and thanked her with a kiss on the cheek and snaking a hand down her body. He ran a hand over her cotton tail, which caused her to shutter, and rested his hands back on her hips. The two teachers stayed holding each other and enjoying the comfort of company. Rumi spoke up
"Izu, do you think I'm a good teacher." He noticed the shift in her body and the tightened fisted collar of his dress shirt. Rumi has always been the brash, tough hero who yelled to the world her thoughts. However, he was the only one who got to see the insecurity hidden behind the loud mouthed persona. Despite being a great hero, and a beautiful woman, she had doubts just like everyone else. He made it his job to destroy those doubts as soon as possible. So, he replied against the soft fur of her ear
"I think you have your problems but you do your best. And you always have the outcome of your students in mind." Rumi sniffled lightly and finished with a short chuckle
"Ya, you're right." He quickly interjected
"Aren't I always?" Rumi poked his side enough to jolt him and spoke
"You are pretty awesome. But sadly not as awesome as me." Izuku resigned himself and wrapped his arms tighter around his bunny girl and locked his lips over hers. They sighed into each other's mouths and meshed their lips together softly. As per usual, Rumi amped it up my attacking and breaking through his lips with her tongue. He always relished these moments with her because of the jolt of emotion he felt when kissing her, or even holding her. After being together for over 7 years, Izuku had learned every tick and weakness Rumi had. He always knew the perfect way to turn the tables and surprise her. Gradually, he moved one hand down to palm her through her jeans and the other settled between her ears. He rubbed her head and ears, drawing out a content sigh. Then, he grabbed a handful of her ass which elicited a surprised squeak. He took the chance to flip them over and kiss with more vigor. As well, he snuck the hand from her head down and under her shirt. Just as he was about to slide into second base, the door opened. Their steamy moment was interrupted by Aizawa and Midnight entering. Rumi's ears perked up and caught their whispered exchange
"They really are a cute couple, don't you think Shouta."
"Nemuri, I really don't care about their lecherous relationship." Rumi looked over Izuku's broad shoulders and retaliated
"Lecherous? The only lecherous one here is Nemuri. She is a literal sexual deviant." Nemuri turned away with a blush and Aizawa grunted. He grumbled under his breath
"Says the girl with a mans hand on her ass and her boob." The comment made Rumi realize that Izuku hadn't stopped. He stayed handling her ass but stopping just short of her breast. He spoke under his breath
"I'm guessing this is the end of line for me." Rumi laughed and spoke in a western accent
"Your damn right partner." Izuku loved this playful side of Rumi but it was ruined by the obnoxious slurping of Aizawa.He stood, leaning against the counter, staring at the couple. Izuku roamed his hands slowly across Rumi's stomach. She hummed and grabbed his hands. She intertwined her fingers with his and sighed at the familiar warmth. Izuku spoke softly against her ear
"Are we visiting today?" Rumi responded
"Yeah, they are really excited to see you again." He hummed softly against her ear. The other two teachers sighed and simultaneously spoke "Get out of here you two. I can't see anymore of this." Izuku jumped up with Rumi in his arms bridal style. With a two finger salute, he sped out of the lounge and through the halls.

"Hey Izuku, I wasn't expecting to see you again so soon." The older woman spoke loudly from the kitchen as she wiped the dishes. Her fluffy white bunny ears swayed back and forth. Izuku happily replied
"I couldn't wait to come back again. I love being here with you guys. So expect me a lot more Ms. Usagiyama." She smiled and called through the window
"Hina, Sakura, Akare, get in here. The former #1 wants to see you." The bunny eared children ran into the living room and jumped at Izuku. He caught all three of them and hugged them, while Rumi left to help her mother. The three children hopped up and down exclaiming a variety of questions. Held up a hand and waited for them to stop. Sakura quickly interjected
"Izuku, are you still a hero even though your teaching." Izuku smiled at the little girl's enthusiasm
"No. I chose to teach and looking after your sister instead of being a hero." A conflicted look crossed her face. Immediately a little girl, no older than 6, with brown bunny ears clutched his outstretched arm
"How did you get so strong?" Izuku laughed and pet her head, between her ears. He rubbed her head and spoke
"Through tons of hard work, Hina. So, I need you to work hard too." Hina nodded enthusiastically. Behind her a blonde haired boy with white bunny ears sighed at the sight of his siblings. Easily being the oldest by a couple years, Akare worried for the idea of his little sister's nonexistent filters. He knew that given enough time, they would pry into every bit of Izuku's business. However, he was no better. He spoke
"Izuku, when can we expect to be aunts and uncles?" Izuku blushed and looked away. In the kitchen Rumi's face bursted in heat and a red blush flooded her face. Izuku placated the boy
"I don't really know. I don't think we're quite ready for children." Akare sighed sadly
"Come on. I'm not getting any younger. You guys are already married what's the hold up about starting a family." Izuku subconsciously spun the ring on his finger and thought about it 'I've never thought about moving so fast. I thought we should wait some time before a family.' Izuku shook his head
"I just want to wait for the right time to have kids." Akare nodded and left to interrogate his older sister. The two bunny girls in front of Izuku excitedly asked questions about his heroics. Izuku deflected by replying
"Enough about me, what have you guys been doing." At the change of topic, the girls rambled about everything since his last visit. Izuku sighed 'This is going to be a long time. But their just so dang cute that I can't really be mad.'

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