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Takes place after Selfishness vs Selfish-less (Redux)
TW(?): Near Panic Attack; Self-Hate


Roman POV:

"Your no ones hero."

"Thomas hates you."

"You can even stand up for yourself, pathetic."

"Everyone hates you."

These thoughts kept running through my head as I darted towards my room, tears flowing from eyes. So much for the great Prince Roman.

I could barley see anything, but a bright red and gold door made me feel.. safer. I struggled to open the golden doorknob, my hands shaking. What the hell is happening? Finally, after what felt like forever, I heard a click, and rushed inside. I plopped onto my bed, designed by yours truly. "Ego freak." I started shaking harder. I can't even protect Thomas, let alone myself.

Whose to believe I can protect the five sides...

The tears start coming down faster, to the point where everything is getting blurry. I can feel my body shaking uncontrollably.

"Oh Roman, thank god you don't have a mustache. Otherwise between you an Remus, I wouldn't know who the evil twin is!"

...I'm the evil twin.

Virgil POV:

God, whats his problem. I thought, as Princey pushed himself into his room.

Wait, was he.. crying? Did I miss something? Whats going on..

*click!* The front door to the Mind Palace had opened. I felt the ends of my mouth pull up, remembering that Dad promised to watch "The Nightmare Before Christmas" with Roman and I. I turned my head, and saw the familiar scaly face.

"WHAT THE FUCK." I yell as Janus walked into the room, hiding behind Patton. "H-hey kiddo.. you missed today's video.." Patton seemed nervous, but Janus was the one hiding. No. No Virgil, this is literally Deceit we're talking about. "Dad.. what is he doing here. Shouldn't he be on the other side of the Palace?" I hissed. I lean forward, and look at Logan for back up. Nothing. Is he on in this, too?

"Hello, Virgil." He waved behind Patton. Whoa, the bitch spoke. How fascinating. "Deciet." Be grateful I didn't say your name, you sna- "Janus. We have learned his name in today's video." Logan interrupted my thoughts. Wait- did I leave them with Princey and Janus? I'm surprised they made it out alive.

"Whatever." I glare at Janus, whose arms were now crossed. This is when I noticed his bare hands. Ok.. so did nothing happen?

"I'll be taking my leave." I walked away, taking out my phone from my pocket and preparing my music. Can't believe this, I'm now rooming with Janus yet again. Such an amazing day.

As I walk up to the purple door, I see Princey's door slightly open. Strange, he never leaves it open when he's in there. I go to grab the knob, to check nothing bad has happened. I can feel my mouth frown, as I hear sniffling come from inside. "Romano?" I whisper quietly as I slowly open the door.

"Virgie-! I told you not to call me that.." He said, chin down. "And you just called me 'Virgie,' so I'd call it even." I can see him smiling a bit as a I walk over to his bed. I don't like seeing him cry, it makes me feel.. upset.. Could've worded that better.

"Are you ok? It sounded like you were crying and-" He threw his arms around me, clutching onto the back of my jacket. I feel my face go red-er than Princey's sash. I slowly put my hands around him, rocking him back and forth. "Princey, whats wrong? I'm worried." He let's go of my sweater, pushing himself upwards. Eventually, I can see his face, and I can feel myself blush. Not now Virgil, he is obviously hurt.

"Am I a villain.."

Roman POV:

"What?" His eyes widened. Oh god, did I do something. "Why would you think that?"

"I thought I was your hero!" That one sentence starting repeating in mind. Tears start coming down harder. Only now I realize Virge snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Roman, what happened. Im worried." Did he just, admit how he's feeling? Guess there's a first for everything.

"They- they picked the snake over.. me.." God, I sound like a little kid. Now I feel bad for him, helping me. Out of anyone. It's not like we hate each other anymore, but he's still his bittery yet adorable self. Wait no- yes? I felt him pull me into another hug, quietly giggling.

"Are you letting him get into your mind? Trust me, he's not worth it." I started smiling slightly, face turning red. God, he's perfect.

"Easy for you to say, you basically grew up with him." I see him frown slowly. "Not that it mean anything! It's just, my friends picked a liar over me, someone they've known for years.."

"Roman, you know you'll always be my hero, if thats what your worried about."

I felt something interact with my forehead. Did Virge just, kiss me? I smiled slightly, as he noticed what he had just done. "S-Sorry! I d-don't know what happened! You seemed upset and-" I put my finger over his mouth, "Calm down, I didn't mind, you know." A small chuckle left my mouth, as he looked at me, his face heating up. "O-oh." He managed to stubble out I burst out laughing. "Hey! It's not funny!" He started hitting my arm. "Whatever you say, emo." I turn my head to the door, remembering what we had planned to do today. "There's children throwing snowballs instead of throwing heads.." I started. "They're busy building toys, and absolutely no one's dead." We sang together, as I got up and grabbed my computer from my desk. "I thought we were doing it with Dad." Virgil said, trying not to smile.

"He seems..occupied..a the moment. Plus, it'll probably creep him out, anyways." "Hm, I guess your right." He hummed. He patted the red and gold comforter, signaling me to sit down. As I walked over the bed, I almost tripped, causing Virge to giggle. Oh. My. STARS. That was so adorable! He froze. "You will not speak of what you just heard." He said, sounding serious now.

"Ok ok, I won't. Calm down storm cloud." I said as I sat down. He slightly blushed at the nickname. "Like that one, don't you?" I teased. "Ow! Hey! No need to get physical!" "Stop being a baby, it was only on the shoulder." He chuckled. His laugh makes me swoon. ....fuck im gay for him.

~•Time Skip provided by my low on charge phone•~

I fluttered my eyes open. Did I fall asleep? I checked what time it is. Oh my god, it's 2:27?! Corpse Bride was playing in the background. Guess the movie ended. I went to get up, when I felt arms wrapped around my stomach. I turn, only to see Virgil, THE Virgil Anxiety, with his arms wrapped around my torso.

"I never thought he'd be a cuddler."  I chuckled. Slowly, I sat back down, not wanting to wake him up. I rested his head on my shoulder.

"Sweet dreams, my stormcloud. I love you." I said, as I felt my eyes fall into place.

"I love you too, RoRo."

A/N: Ok, this was fun to write, although I can't say the same for my sleeping schedule.

Word Count: 1203

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