Meeting Zach & the insident ⚠️TW⚠️

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     It was a typical Friday afternoon. My mom was packing her extra things and I was so upset that I had to say bye to ashley. She met me at my house for one last goodbye and we headed off to California. When we got to the state we went to our new house and I helped my mom unload. I saw someone that looked very familiar in the neighborhood but I just couldn't tell who it was.  

    My mom looked at the tall dark haired boy and said to me, "he looks like your type... maybe you could get to know him." I shake my head no and walk inside.

    I go upstairs to pick my new room and go to the window and look outside. I stair at the shirtless, tall, dark brown hair boy next door playing football with his younger brother it looks like. Gosh... He sure looks like my type. I go back downstairs and grab my things out of the back of the car. I see the boy look at me and smile. I than smile back and continue taking my boxes up to my room. I hang up all my why don't we pictures and posters. I set up my room the way i want it and go back downstairs and outside once more.

     The boy comes over to me. That's it! Zach herron was standing there face to face with me with a smile. I look up at him and say "Zach! It's so good to meet you... I'm a big fan!" He says "Aww i'm so glad your a fan! It's so good to meet you!" I can't believe it. Zach Herron is my neighbor! "What college do u go to if u go to one" Zach says. I than say "Westen Kai College." He smiles and says "Same! I'm still attending... Everyone thinks i dropped out but i am finishing it off strong." I get very happy and just smile at him. Zach than says "Well i'll get to know you a little better another time.. It was great talking to you!" I say "of course, bye zach!" I wave and go inside.

   "You'll never guess who our neighbor is!!" I say excitedly. She than asks "Who?" I say "Zach herron, as in why don't we!!" My mom loves zach the most, she thinks he's such a sweetheart and he sure is! She smiles and says "I'm so glad!" I run up to my room happily and the good thing about the room is zachs window it right across from mine. I lay on my bed thinking about Zach. I still can't believe that he's our neighbor. I tell Ashley about Zach.
Ashley and Mikaylas(me) messages:

 Ashley and Mikaylas(me) messages:

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I need rest. I can't believe this is all happening. I try to fall asleep for the next 2 hours but i can't. My mind will not stop thinking about zach and corbyn. I look out my window to look at the stars when I see Zach with just his boxers on, in his bed on his phone. I close my curtains before he catches me looking. Zach is so hot. I can't even handle it like he is so freakin hot. I lay back down still thinking about why don't we when I hear a tap on my window. I get scared but go to the window and see Zach at his window.

I open my window and he yells across and says "Hey neighbor! Shouldnt you be sleeping?" I giggle and reply back "I don't wanna wake my mom, text my snap" and i tell him my snap. I get a friend request from him moments later.

Zach and Mikaylas(me) messages:

    I get butterflies when he texted me

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    I get butterflies when he texted me. He's just being nice though probably, he says he loves all his fans! I end up falling asleep at like 4:00 am. The next morning, I wake up and get ready to head to my college. I straighten my shiny blonde hair and get changed into ripped jeans and a crop top.

   I say bye to my mom and head out to the car. When i'm about to leave Zach comes up to me and says "I can drive us..." I say "sure zach!" We go to his car and on the way there he picks up starbucks and pays for me. He puts his hand on my thigh and squeezes it gently a couple of times. I get freaky and give him 'the eyes.' He doesn't know what those eyes mean. No one does. He than says "You freaky for me or sum?" I'm in shock. He knows. I'm so embarrassed. "Umm.." I say shyly. He says "Not to soon... We just met ya know... and your just a fan." I start to get upset. He lifts my chin up and says "Don't be sad love... you'll find the right guy one day..." I turn my head away from him and look out the window. He starts to feel bad and asks if i just wanna take his car and i drop him off on the side. I say of course not.

  We get to the college and I grab my bag and everything i took with me. I say "Thank you for taking me... i'll catch up with you later." he goes "wait don't leave yet.. i- well do you wanna share a dorm?" I say "I don't know if boys and girls can go in one together." He than says "since i'm famous they allow it for me..." I say "sure than... i'll see you at the dorm. What number is it may i ask?" He than says "27... there is gonna be a blonde hair girl there right now but i'll make her leave..." "Who is the girl?" I say. "Kay cook..." he says. I than say "Um no i'm good... i don't wanna be anywhere near that bitch." "No.. please... for me. I'll kick her out and tell her to find a new one... I'll change the sheets and get a whole new bed for you." He says. I than give in and say "Fine i guess it'll work... i gotta go before i'm late, bye zach!" I wave and he waves back.

   I start walking to class and run into a tall blonde hair boy. I instantly know who it is. "Daniel! Hey what are you doing here!? your 21..." I say. He than says "I come to pick up Zach, he said he isn't mentally stable right now... i have no clue what is going on." "Oh my gosh! i was just talking with him.. i don't know where he has gone to" i say. Daniel says "Okay... i have to go i'll talk to you another time!" He walks away. I get nervous and hope zach is okay.

    I go to my dorm to see zach sitting there cutting his arms. "ZACH!!! STOP NO!!!" I scream and grab the knife out of his hand. "Give it back!" he says. I scream at him. "DONT DO THAT!!! WHY WOULD YOU WANNA HURT YOURSELF?!" I yell. He than sits there quietly and I lower my voice. "I'm so sorry i yelled at you zach... i just- just lost my dad to suicide... he did it right in front of me and it just seems like it's happening all over again..." I say. He than get emotional and says "I'm sorry to hear that Mikayla.. it's just life... i'm getting body shamed by kay... i'm getting body shamed by fans... and even by my mom... fans are telling me to kill myself..." I start crying and say "Never give up zachary dean herron... you are to special for them they have to hurt you like that... don't listen to anyone!" I wrap his arms up and Zach hugs me and and daniel walks in.

    Daniel sees the blood and knife on the ground. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?" I turn around and try to say something but he pins me against the wall He chokes me and stabs my stomach. I start to bleed out. Zach grabs him and slaps him. "Drop the damn thing i'm fucking fine! She saved me actually... i was cutting..." Daniel gasps. I drop to the floor losing more and more blood. Zach kneels down. "that's a huge cut!! Daniel... why the fuck..." Zach says. Daniel panics, "I am so so sorry!!! I didn't mean to i was just protecting you zach... i though she was hurting you!!" Zach grabs a medkit from the kitchen and grabs tweezers and sees metal pieces stuck in my stomach. "This is gonna hurt a little bit ok but just squeeze my hand okay?" Zach says to me. I grab his hand and he removes the metal slowly. He stitches me up and it hurts so bad that i squeeze his hand so hard that it turns red. "I'm so sorry this happened to you" Zach says. I than say "It's fine.. i'm just glad your okay..."

    Daniel says "i am so sorry, is there anything i can do to repay you?" I than say "bring me on tour with you and you got a forgiveness!" daniel says "Sure thing!" I smile and lay down in bed to rest my stomach. Daniel leaves the dorm and zach comes and gives me company. I fall asleep holding his hand and him rubbing my stomach gently.

I wake up to the sound of moaning and look around. I see zach fucking kay. I gasp and grab my things. Zach tries to explain but I leave before he can say anything. He runs after me.

"Mikayla wait! it's not what it looks like!!" Zach yells. I wipe my tears and try to talk to him about it. "I... I know your old enough to do what you want but to see the boy of my dreams fucking a different girl is honestly heartbreaking... you wouldn't understand" I say. He than says "Im sorry... i know your a fan and you care about me, i shouldn't have done anything with her." I say "It's fine... your a person and it's not my life i can't control what you do... I'll stay in my own dorm." "No please... i promise to kick her out" Zach says. I than say "No im good... i want you to have privacy..." I walk away before he can speak anymore.

I can't believe this. I mean i guess i saw it coming. I just can't imagine zach doing that with someone. His dick is huge though... gosh. I continue walking and get my own dorm. I better go back to get my stuff... I go back to get my stuff and Zach and Kay aren't there. I wonder where they are. I grab everything and walk to my new dorm. I try to bend down to put my boxes down but My stomach still hurts from the stitches. It's currently 6 in the morning and I decide to go back to sleep for a little longer until my class at 10. I fall back to sleep.

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