Guess it didnt work out...⚠️TW⚠️

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A week goes by
I wake up and Daniel isn't home. I get scared. I instantly call him and he picks up saying "Hello what's up?" I than say "Where are u?" He says "I'm on my way to pennsylvania, we are going on tour again..." "Babe.. i didn't get to say goodbye i totally forgot!" I say. "Aww i'm sorry.. i'll be home in 2 months!" He says. "Okay i love you..." I say. He doesn't say it back and hangs up.

  Uhm.. i guess he just hung up to soon. All the pain floods back and all i wanna do is cut. I grab a knife and slice my arm hoping to hit my vein. Okay i'm done. No more.

2 months go by
daniel comes back with franny. "babe... why are you with her." I say. "uhh mikayla i don't think this is gonna work.." He says. "Umm.." I say tears filling my eyes. Daniel says "I'm sorry.." "I'm sorry too..." Franny says. "Just shut the fuck up... I'm taking daniayla and your not seeing her again!" I say. "no.." daniel says. I grab all of my things and daniayla. I start walking to zachs house.

I can't do this anymore! He doesn't love me! I cry so much. Zach comes to pick me up and i get in crying. "It's okay... tour is done, we can move out of the state now.." Zach says. I throw my ring on the ground. "I fucking hate them!" I scream. Daniayla and zayla start crying in the back. "I'm sorry!" I say trying to keep cool. Zach pulls out the juul and hands it to me.

I puff it and it doesn't help anything. I'm still in pain. He than sees me gets anxiety more and more and he just kisses me. I kiss him back. That helped a little bit i still can't concentrate on anything. We get to his house and i take daniayla and he takes zayla. He insists he can take both but i carry her in and place her in her crib and he does the same with zayla.

     He comes behind me and hugs me. He says "what will make u happy?" "To have daniel back..." i say. Zach feels really bad for me and wants to do whatever he can to make me happy.

4 months pass
We are living in Florida. Me, Zach, Daniayla, and Zach are a happy family. I'm still a seavey... He never finalized the divorce. Zach has been dating kay for a little while until kay found out me and zach were living together. Zach broke up with the band to live with me and since corbyns gone he really didn't think the band could last any longer. Daniel has been texting me saying he wants to see daniayla. Me and daniel have been co parenting, but i just see him for a minute to drop daniayla off with him. Daniayla absolutely hates franny, loves zach, loves daniel, and loves me and christina. I'm in a happy place right now with 3 of my favorites.

   "Hey zach! do u wanna like go to a bar tonight?" I say. "Sure! i can drop zayla and daniayla off at Aidans house(Our friends house)

My outfit and Zachs outfit.

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I am wearing one of zachs shirt

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I am wearing one of zachs shirt. ^

We than drop the kids off at our friends and drive to a bar. When we get there we get drinks and zach gets drinks too. We get sooo drunk. He is off with some girl and i'm off with some guy. I make out with him. Hands all over him and his hands all over mine. He looks very familiar but i don't take it in to recognition. The night gets later and later and me and the one guy are now sitting together at the bar area. He asks for my number and i give it to him. He than adds my number. In my phone his name is labeled ex😭. I than realize. "Daniel??" I say. "Mikayla??" He says. "Oh my god i missed you!!" He says. I back away.

"I'm still with franny but... i missed you!" He says. "Umm okay... i'm gonna leave now..." I say. He says "No please, let me see daniayla for a little while and let me see you and catch up"
"fine.. come back to me and zachs place and u can see us..." I say. I drink more and more and get very drunk. Zach has to carry me back to the car and the house.

    Me, zach, and daniel all go to zachs and i throw up in the toilet. Zach holds my hair back for me and rubs my back. "I'm sorry you have to deal with this.." I say. "It's totally okay... i'll heat u up a bath.." Zach says. I hear daniel talking to daniayla and zayla. I am very dizzy and keep throwing up. He helps me into the tub. He helps me clean up and than after i finish taking a bath, Zach changes me into one of his shirts and a pair of his sweats.

   Zach carries me to his bedroom and puts a cold rag on my head knowing i'm burning up. "It'll be okay..." Zach says. Zayla and Daniayla come running to me and jump onto the bed. "Mommy!" Zayla and Daniayla say. "Who's da boy in da living room?" Zayla asks. Daniayla says "dats daddy!" Zayla says "no dats not daddy!" Zayla brings zach in and says "dis is dada!" Daniayla and zayla are both confused.

    I hold them both and talk to them. "Zayla.. Daniayla... You two are half siblings, I have been in love with dada.." I point at zach. "and the boy out on the couch is your dada daniayla..." I say.

Daniel than asks me to come out there and I go. "What's up daniel?" I say. He says "I miss you... and your body on mine.." Of course he misses my seggs, i'm the best at it. "Daniel... i'm not giving you anything u want, you've done it... ruined it for us." I say. "baby... no please.." He says softly.

I ignore him and end up making him leave. "Here take daniayla too... i'll see her soon" I say giving zach 'the look.' He knows that look instantly. "uh okay, i'll see u in a little.." Daniel says.

He leaves and we put zayla to sleep. Zach picks me up and pins me to the bed.

"What's my name?" Zach says.
"Zach.." I say.
"Nope, what's my name baby girl ?" Zach says
I think about what he wants me to say. He removes both of our clothes and all i can see is his big bludge being hard asf and he puts his 🍆 tip over my 🐱. "Daddy!!" I scream.
He than sticks his huge 🍆 in me. He moans and rolls his eyes to the back of his head.

He goes deeper, harder, and faster. He hugs my G-Spot. "RIGHT- TH- THERE DADDY!!" I scream. He thursts in and out of that spot making me a moaning mess. Our liquids poor out onto the white sheets. He than grabs my hair and face fucks me. I suck on his tip making him roll his eyes back. He makes me gag his dick. He moans. "ohh baby girl!!" He says. He than fingers the fuck outta me. He puts his finger deeper and deeper. It feels so good. I moan so loud. I cum all over his fingers. He licks his fingers and my 🐱.

    He finishes what he started and i become shaky. He gives me some of his sweats. He gets me water and i drink it. "I'd rather taste you..." I say to zach. "You just did taste me baby girl.." He says. I say "again.." He says "I'd love to mamas but your legs are shaking.. i don't want you to get to numb" I hush him and get on top. He makes out with me while grabbing my ass. All we do is make out. Nothing more because zach insists he doesn't want me to be to numb.

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