dont fw my heart.

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     "I'm sorry that i fucked you to hard.." He says. "It's okay" I say. Daniel holds me close and takes his shirt off and gives it to me. I put it on and we go in the living room. He gets zayla and daniayla. I hold zayla and call zach. "Hey do u wanna come over and hangout with me, zayla, daniayla, and daniel?" I say. "Sure when do u want me over?" He says. "Now? we can all go to a water park or something" I say. Zach says "Sure that's good, i'll see u soon!" We hang up and i kiss daniel.

    A few minutes pass and zach gets here. He hugs zayla and gives her a kiss on her rosy cheeks. "Dada!" Zayla says to zach. "Awww" i say. Zach goes to get his swim trunks on. Daniel goes after him and i rub my finger down his abs in a sexy way. He pulls me close to him and kisses me. I go get a black bikini on and throw daniels shirt over it.

   I come back out and daniel grabs my ass. I moan in his ear. Zach sees us kiss and tries to ignore it. We get the girls in their swim suits and carry them to the car. We put them in their car seats and i get in the passenger seat with daniel in the drivers and zach in the back with the girls. Daniel puts his hand on my inner thigh. He gets his hand closer and closer to my 🐱. He sticks his hand in my bathing suit bottoms and sticks his fingers in me. I try to keep cool but wanna moan so bad. I try to breathe normally but he keeps rubbing my clit and sticking his fingers deeper in me. I end up a moaning mess and cum. He takes his fingers out. Zach gives us a weird look. I feel the wetness in my bottoms. Zach sees all the hickeys on me.

"why do u have hickeys again?" He says. "I have a husband what do u think?" I say. "Yeah she has my last name..." He says. "Mikayla Seavey!" I smile. Zach goes silent and just entertains zayla and daniayla. I jokingly put my hands down his pants and he gets turned on. "Babe! knock it off..." He says rolling his eyes back. I giggle and take my hands out. Zach tries so hard to ignore it but he gets very aggravated. 

    We get to the water park and i take off daniels shirt and daniel hugs me from behind. I still have cum in my area and I try to signal daniel to stay behind so he can clean me up. He finally gets the memo half way into walking in the water park, so he makes an excuse. "hey zach, me and mikayla will be right back we are gonna go get food so can u watch daniayla and zayla?" Daniel says. "sure... be back soon though" Zach says. Daniel and I take each other's hands and walk to the bathroom. We lock our selves in a stall and he removes my bottoms. He cleans me up and moans. He swallows it and then kisses me. I taste myself on his lips. I wish i could taste him right now.

   He carries me back to zach and the girls. "okay we backkk!" Daniayla comes running up to daniel with her arms wide open hugging daniel. "Aww" I say blushing. Zayla reaches her hands out for me. I pick her up and we run into the water all together. Zach splashes me and zay. "your gonna get it zach!" I say. "Get daddy zayla! splash him.." I say to her. She smiles with her 2 front teeth and dimples and splashes water at him. I splash him too. Zach falls over jokingly to make zayla smile and of course she cracks up laughing. Zach takes her from my arms and kisses her on the cheek spinning her around. I smile.

    A few moments later fans spot daniel and zach and come running up to them. "Oh my god hi!! i love you guys!!" A fan says. "Me too!! Oh my gosh!!" Another fan says. These girls are in there like pre adult age. "Can i get your number.." The one fan says flirting with daniel and touching his abs slowly. I step in front of her and say "hey girl, i don't think you know he's married... please don't touch him. "Mikayla. she's just a fan!" Daniel says to me. "Mikayla?? Alright i your baby girl? your wife-." I say. He cuts me off and says "No what are you talking about!" "babe actually?!" I say picking up daniayla and leaving.

    "of course you can get my number..." i hear as i walk away. I wipe my tears. Zach punches daniel and runs after me with zayla. "hey.. it's okay.. he's a fucking idiot.." He says grabbing my arm. "I can't deal with this..." I say. Zayla tries to reach to me. "mommy.." she says. "i'll see you later baby girl..." i say to zayla. "No she wants her mommy.. come on mikayla, it's okay.." Zach says. "I'm suppose to be married to him! I am!! I fucking am!! He doesn't even see what he's doing... it's not okay!" I say in a hurt voice, bawling my eyes out.

    "it's okay.. we'll go to my house.." Zach says. Daniel than a few minutes later comes to see me crying on the ground with daniayla sitting on the ground watching me bawl my eyes out. Daniel says "baby.. i didn't mean to i just don't know what happened.. i didn't get her number though.." "babe!! You told her i wasn't your wife... the fuck is wrong with you?!!" I scream at him. "I'll leave with zach, remember that conversation we had? it can all come true.." I say. "No baby girl.. i don't know what happened... i'm serious!! I didn't get her number!! You can take my phone and see." He says. I pick up daniayla and stand up. "I'm not sleeping with you tonight..." I say.
"That's fine!" He says. I say, "I'm taking daniayla to corbyns house tonight and staying at his house... so you don't think i'm cheating with zach!" "okay.." he says with a sad hurt voice and face.

     I take daniaylas hand and we all walk to the car. I sit in the back with the kids. I grab some of zachs clothes and change in the back of the car. "why don't u sit up here" daniel says. "nope i'm good.." I say with tears in my eyes. Zach goes in the front too. I sniffle and try to hold my tears in. Zach says "are u okay.?..." I sniffle again and say "i'm fine.."

    Daniel drives me to corbyns. "I'm sorry baby... i'll see you tomorrow.." He says. I don't say anything, take daniayla, and close the door. I go up to corbyns door and knock on his door. "hey-." he says. I cut him off by hugging him instantly. "oh.." he says seeing daniels car and waves to them. He hugs me back and we end up going inside and he sits down. he takes daniayla and put her in a extra crib he had in a spare room. he than comes back and He pats his lap for me to sit down on him. I sit on his lap hugging him. He puts his hands on my ass while i have my legs and arms wrapped around him. I cry on his shoulder and he rubs my back. "Aww are you okay mikay?" He says. "Someone asked for daniels number and he gave it.. and he said i wasn't his wife..." I say sobbing. Corbyn lays his head on me and says "I'm so sorry.. i hate seeing you sad."

    As i'm sitting on corbyns lap i feel something poking at me. I take my head off his shoulder and look him in the eyes and say "are u hard?" laughing with tears going down my face still. "Maybeee!" He says laughing. "that's not a surprise you always are for me!" I say dying laughing. I kiss him on the cheek. "your literally the cutest!" I say. He holds me close feeling how freezing i am. We both end up falling asleep.

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