My Lovely Shell

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Yellow is an ugly color.

Yellow is disgusting.

Yellow played me like a game.

And I can't get rid of him.

He's soft and sultry,

Stunning and slimy,

Suicidal and sublime,

Oh if only I knew at the time.

Back in the day

On those warm summer days

He wove around my fingers

Pulled me along

Protected me from the harsh winds

He told me he was the sun.

He hugged me hard

Engulfed my heart

My largest organ

My largest counterpart.

I was naive.

I was young.

I thought I was the one.

I assumed I was the same

as the people who are white.

But I am yellow.

The disgusting color of inbetweens

Sour like a lemon

But I must deceive, be sweet.

Now he's just clingy

A piece of gum stuck to my thumb.

Skin stuck to my bones.

Clothing I cannot shed.

An immutable piece of tar forever stuck on my forehead.

My life revolves around him.

I can never escape.

He weighs the same as the burden of my ancestors.

I feel like a mistake.

"What country are you from?"

"Go back to where you came from."

"At least you're better off than black people."

"I love China."


I thought he was the color of the sun?

He broke my heart.

Promised me a forever,

But this wasn't what I expected.

Not what he told my young naive heart.

I just forgot

The sun burns as well

The sun creates double edged fires.

Yellow is disgusting.

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