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It's been a while.

It's been a couple of months... Maybe six or even seven I don't remember...

It still hurts whenever I think about what went down at least I've gaslight myself into believing that it somewhat hurts less everyday.

If I'm being honest the only thing I like about being here is that I don't have a constant fear of  having a run in with Alex.

I tried ignoring the paper swan that sat on the desk in the corner of the cell but every once in awhile I find myself holding it wishing things had turned out different.

I wish there was a way for me to find out if he were okay.

It would make me feel better if I heard from him...I haven't heard from him.

Yet... Michaels not one for abrupt endings.

Maybe that just me clingy onto whatever faith Micheal might have left me with.

I layed on my cell bed flipping through a medical book which wasn't my choice of book, it was the only thing I could find with pictures.

The sound of buzzing filled the air before my cell door slid open.

I waited for who ever it was to speak or step into my cell after the buzzing died out only for silences to linger about.

I tilited my head back to see an officer, a woman. I was in fact placed in the right prison this time I'm pretty sure someone in fox river did get in trouble for the displacement.

Not that I'm complaining the only good thing that came out of their mistake was me meeting Micheal.

"Lean, there have been orders to transfer you." She spoke standing in the doorway.

I raised an eyebrow at her waiting for more information, transfer to where? Orders from who; I haven't left this prison since I stepped foot into it.

"Where to?" I spoke raising a brow once I realize she wasn't going to speak.

"It was an order from up top." She stated flatly.

"What type of up top?" I question irritated at the lack of information.

"government."  She spoke abruptly once again only this time she shifted on her feet at my tone of voice.

Government like Alex Mahone government or government like Paul Killermen.

Either way I hope its neither of those two.

"government? What do you mean government?" I questioned not interested in anything or anyone with the possibility of being within close connection to the government.

"That's classified information." she spoke resting her hands on her waist band, something she does when her patience is far from running low.

"Mhm." I returned my gaze back to the book flipping the page "not interested."

"Lean, I'm going to need corporate with my orders." She took a step further into the cell allowing herself to stand over me.

I sighed, dropping the book besides me knowing she had no problem with getting physical "okay, I'm getting up." I pushed myself off the mattress as she nodded taking a step back giving  me space to stand.

Before I knew it I was out the the prison and placed in the back of the transport.

I was on the road for no more then an hour before I was taken out of the van and placed in a small interrogation room.

Staring of the first chapter short💪 anyways I know you guys have been waiting for this for over a little while but it's finally here.

This has be a challenge for me to write ngl, also if you guys haven't re-read the first story since it being Published I would recommend going back and reading the first story before reading this because I did make some changes. *no pressure to go back and read it ofc<3

Just a lil heads up this is the first episode of season 4.

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