3. cat's new boyfriend

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*indigo's p.o.v.*

my first day at school was a success. not that i thought it would be any different. i got home and flopped onto my bed, answering all the snaps i'd gotten during the day. hollywood arts was a lot more laid-back than new york arts, and i liked it like that because it gave me more time to talk to my friends. i had all my classes with jade's friends, and i'd also managed to make a few friends outside of them. just then, i got a text from beck.

beck oliver: rate your first day on a scale of 1-10

i smiled. there was something about getting a text that was far more intimate than just a casual snap.

indie dubois: 8

indie dubois: i docked points bc some dude asked me if he could buy a pair of my used underwear

beck oliver: let me guess

beck oliver: he had curly blond hair and glasses and he smelled like cheap mexican leftovers

indie dubois: that would be him

indie dubois: is this a routine thing or

beck oliver: that's sinjin van cleef he's been a creep since day 1

indie dubois: yikes but at least i get a lot of classes with you and your friends

beck oliver: yeah for sure

beck oliver: everyone really likes you

indie dubois: well i really like everyone

beck oliver: speaking of everyone, can i ask you something

i furrowed my eyebrows, and couldn't help but feel a little pit in my stomach. people don't just say "can i ask you something" unless it's at least somewhat important.

indie dubois: go for it

beck oliver: did i make you uncomfortable when i kissed you in sikowitz's class

beck oliver: normally i would've asked first but we were doing a scene 

beck oliver: so i'm sorry if you didn't want to do it or anything haha i just realized i didn't really make sure it was okay

part of me was relieved that it wasn't anything huge, but part of me was disappointed that he only saw it as doing a scene. but then again, he did say "normally". did that mean he would've kissed me if not for the scene, or that he'd kiss me again?

indie dubois: no i wasn't uncomfortable :)

indie dubois: thanks for asking 

beck oliver: ok good 

i left the conversation there, and went on with my day.

a week or so later, i was walking with beck and jade, talking about a chemistry assignment, when we saw tori talking to a basic-looking guy with stud earrings. 

"so who's that?" asked jade, gesturing at him.

i'd gotten past jade's rude tendencies on day one. she was blunt and sarcastic, but i knew she was a teddy bear underneath, so i'd fire back and we'd laugh about it. andre had told me that if anyone else tried it, they would end up with scissors in their skull.

"uh, this is danny," said tori. 

"hey," said danny.

i flashed a smile, and beck gave him a small "'sup." but jade wasn't done with him yet.

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