tittle 24 : we

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*year later*
*at Christmas night*

George : y/n! dinner ready!
Y/n : coming

*come downstairs*

Y/n : wow look good
George : your fav pumpkin pie!
Y/n : awh thank you
Molly : hope you like it dear
Y/n : absolutely *smile*
George : fred! Where he is
Y/n : i think he play snow outside with aiden & jayden
George : oh wait here

*George go outside*

George : dinner is ready!
They : coming!

*they come inside*

Y/n : you guys don't play too much you will have fever
Jayden : but is fun
Aiden : yeah mummy we are 6 years old now
Y/n : *sigh* ok but please don't play too much outside ok?
Aiden & jayden : ok mummy

*they all eating*

Ginny : this pumpkin pie so good!
Fred : i know right
George : *clear throat*
Y/n : George cooking this pumpkin pie
Ginny : Don't worry it's good
George : thank you

*knock door*

molly : who's that
Y/n : let me get it

*open the door*

Y/n : hi. who are you
Draco : it's really been that long
Y/n : draco.. 

*they hugged tight*

Draco : please don't leave me
Y/n : i won't
Fred : its draco
Molly : *smile* come let's go inside

*they all come inside*

Jayden & Aiden : daddy!
Draco : hey buddy
Jayden : Why you doing too work so long
Draco : im so sorry but now im here
Jayden : i love you daddy *hug*
Draco : i love you too
Ginny : come sit with us draco you might be hungry after a long walk
Draco : thank you

*George leave*

Y/n : give me a sec

*draco look at y/n*
*y/n get up and leave*

Y/n : you ok
George : a bit why we invited him
Y/n : George please i carried his child i can't do anything please be happy for me
George : i worried i will losing you and your son they like my best friend
Draco : is everything ok
George : draco please promise for me
Draco : i will
George : stop hurting y/n you the only she have her both parents is passed away last year please don't leave her love her like how i love her
Draco : *touch George shoulder* im promise
Y/n : let's go eat. Come on it's Christmas

*y/n leave*

Draco : George. Im promise

George : you hurting her again you know what gonna happen too you

*George leave*

*after dinner*

Draco : *hug y/n* you cold
Y/n : a bit
Draco : hey look at me *kiss forehead*
Y/n : i miss your forehead kiss
Draco : i miss all about you

*they dance hugged*

Y/n : their birthday tomorrow
Draco : they growing so fast
Y/n : yeah
Draco : *kiss forehead* let's go sleep

*at room*
*door close*

*draco push y/n too wall slowly*

Draco : *whispered at y/n ear* do you mine if im slyther-in ?

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