Chapter 15

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Rosa p.o.v

The next day

We are all apart from Sky are in a meeting about what to do next Howard still isn't happy that Zara is still here. The doctor came back to check on her and told us that she will need to rest since she lost a lot of blood but she demand that she wants to be at the meeting I will say one thing she has guts but what she says shocks me.

Zara - i have something to say if I have speak freely.

The question on my mind is will Zara stay with her family or with the man she loves?. All eyes go over to her as she stands holding my stomach.

Howard - do we have a choice?

Nathan - dad enough, Zara I hope you aren't going to ask for us not to do anything.

Zara - am not in fact I want to get revenge after eveything my......for what Raymond has done to me.

Stone - why should we believe you?

Stone has been on edge since he found out who she is too and since he came back yesterday. I hear Stone give out a goan and I know that Ruby has kicked him under the table.

Zara - you want proof?? Fine!!

Zara lifts up her top and bandage showing off her stomach I gasp a little I can't believe it he cut the word "Slut" into her. Luckly he didn't cut to deep and we stitched her up she will have one hell of a scar but I've got scars of my own so I know what it's like.

Zara - this that enough proof for you that i want him to pay,

Stone nods Ethan helps her to cover up again I am actually surprised that Howard didn't say anything.

Nathan - Zara you do know that if we do this that we may end up killing your father and brother?

Rosa - Nathan does have a point they are still your family.

Ruby - you won't complaining about that when you were beating our dad to death.

I give my sister a death glare.

Rosa - that's different Ruby and besides I didn't kill dad you did remember.

Ruby - oh yeah.

Ethan - what did you do to your dad anyway?

Rosa/Ruby - you don't wanna know.

Howard - can we stay on the subject here.

Zara - right oh I forgot to tell you all yesterday but Raymond has been getting information from this girl about you all I over heard them.....well fucking and talking. anyway she was telling everything.

Howard - why didn't you say this yesterday?

Ethan - try cuz she was bleeding. But who is This girl anyway?

I have a idea of who it is but I want to hear it from Zara.

Zara - from what I saw she has blonde hair, huge breats, wears way to much make up and a total whore....I believe her name is Melissa.


Am raging as I slam my hands into the table Nathan grabs me cupping my face getting me to look at him.

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