Chapter 24

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Nathan p.o.v

Rosa is asleep on my lap it feels so good having her back in my arms again am never letting her go again. I send a quick text to Ethan letting him know whats going on We soon reach my house i dont wanna wake her so i gentle lift her out the car and take her in the house Ruby was waiting to see her sister but got a little disappointed that she couldn't hug her Rosa since she was sleeping in my arms. Ruby kept quieted even tho she wanted to shout when she saw our two guests so I took Rosa up to my room to let her sleep for a bit longer. Before leaving her on the bed I cover her with the blanket then give her a kiss on the forehead after I quietly close the door and head back down stairs.

I go into the living room the others are waiting for me Ruby is next to Stone who has his hand in a knee, Zayden is resting his wounds needed time to help since they hurted him even more when we got back so Skys taking care of him upstairs we do check on him too but i think Sky has it covered Ethan has Zara on his lap she does look happy but at the same time a little scared of her brother being here. I can feel the tension in the air with Bobby and Ethan no wonder if it was us we couldn't just stand by and let our dad hurt our sister did he even try to stop it or was he even there? Time will tell. Bobby gives a faint smile to Zara.

Bobby - hey Zara.

Zara - bobby.

Ethan - can we get this over already I hate the fact he's here.

Nathan - Ethan calm down we need to sort somethings first.

Stone - I agree but we must be careful.

Ruby - ok I have a question.

We all look to Ruby who's face is all red so fuming right now.

Ruby - since you have given us no reason to trust you why should we trust you now? I mean you both did just stand there as Raymond made my fucking sisters legs bleed!!!

Bobby - I understand that you are upset about that but you must understand that Raymond has more power right now then I do and I am really......

Before he could finish his sentence Ruby has jumped off the couch, pulled out her gun and pointed it right to Bobbys forehead.

Ruby - you dare say that fucking word I will pull this fucking trigger and blown you god dam brains out!!!!

Bobby just stares right into her eyes but doesn't say a word in fact no one does until.

Zara - ruby before you do anything to him I want to know something. Bobby why did you call dad Raymond instead of dad?

I see that Bobby looks down looking uncomfortable what could that be about ruby puts down her gun then Stone comes over and takes the gun from her.

Stone - baby come sit with me.

Ruby nods so he takes her hand then leads her back to the couch and sits her on his knee. Bobby then looks to Razor who nods to him then puts his hand on his shoulder.

Bobby - Zara am not gonna sugar coat this so here it is......Raymond isn't our father.

Zara gasps did he really just say that?

Zara - what? Please tell me your joking?! Please Bobby.

Razor - he's not joking, Raymond isn't your father as he can't have kids.

Abused Mafia Queen (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now